Montreal Gazette

At 68, Hodgson still delivers on stage

After more than 40 years, Roger Hodgson continues to deliver all he can on stage


Roger Hodgson doesn’t consider himself a rock star.

The 68-year-old Englishman, whose soaring voice and soul-stirring songs helped make Supertramp one of the world’s most popular bands, believes that playing music is an occupation that belongs in the service industry. A year before the anniversar­y of the band’s biggest album, he shares that unconventi­onal theory in this edited interview and reveals the song that’s become his personal anthem.

Q Next year marks the 40th anniversar­y of Breakfast in America. What was the first sign that it would be a hit?

A I knew when we were in the studio recording these songs. I just felt it was a magical collection of songs, and I just had a sense it was going to do very well. I didn’t know it was going to do as well as it did, but I felt like it would be successful. Radio was king back then, and I felt that we had at least two or three songs that would get on the radio and make it successful.

Q How did success change your life?

A Well, it does change your life. At the time of Breakfast, I had a family, so I took the success and the freedom that it afforded me to move to Northern California. I bought some land, built a solarpower­ed home and raised my family. And eventually I decided I needed to do that full time. I left the band in 1983. It was very good, very needed. I was following my heart, and I needed time away from the music business to clear my head and get my perspectiv­e back on life. After 14 years of leading the band, I needed to learn how to be a parent. I home-schooled the kids, and I’m very, very happy I made that decision.

Q You came back to the stage in the early 2000s. Why?

A I got invited to do a few things and when I did them, I discovered that I had actually grown a lot in my time away and was more self-confident. With Supertramp I was very shy, introverte­d. I couldn’t even talk on the microphone. I was a very different person. I think the experience of being away from the music industry, coming to terms with who I was as a man, and as a parent, helped me learn a lot about myself. It came out when I went back on stage. I discovered I was way more comfortabl­e in my skin and singing great. The experience was so enjoyable, I kept doing it.

Q Your voice is still pretty incredible. How do you keep it in shape?

A I don’t do any warm ups or discipline like that. I really should. I find if I’m in a good space inside, if my heart is feeling good, if I’m really excited at playing, and I go on stage not carrying any of the stresses of the day with me, then my voice works, and I’m able to sing from my heart and have a lot of fun. It just works. Really for me, it starts when I wake up in the morning, trying to make sure that the moment I hit that stage, I’m in the best shape possible, and as empty of any life baggage or whatever.

Q You can’t let those rock-star demands get in the way?

A I don’t think of myself as a rock star. I think music is a service. We are in a service industry, and I think that has been forgotten. I really do see that I have a duty to 3,000 people who spend a lot of money on tickets and want to be taken somewhere, and I want to give them the best experience. I think music is such a beautiful, sacred art form that you can do so much with. I know it’s given me so much. It’s allowed me to access places inside me I didn’t even know, that I probably wouldn’t have accessed any other way. Meditating is very difficult for me, but playing music, losing myself in the music is easy. It’s a way to the same place.

Q I don’t think I’ve heard playing music described as a service before.

A I think it’s gotten a little out of control. The entertainm­ent industry is more about glorifying the artists, focusing on the star-making machine, if you like, and that’s missing the point. If you succumb to that, and that’s why the whole Supertramp mega success confused me so much, life around you changes so much, and you can get lost in it. The initial passion and love and the reason you start off doing it gets lost. It was very good for me to take the time away and get some perspectiv­e back.

Q You also had an accident and broke both wrists. How did you get back to playing?

A Initially I went into a total depression. I was 37 and I thought my life was over. I don’t know what was the trigger, but one day I woke up and decided, ‘No, this can’t be happening.’ I did a lot of inner work, a lot of prayers . ... A year later, I started playing guitar again and eventually keyboard. I think that’s also why, when I went out on tour again, I was all alone on stage. I didn’t have any support system. It really was rebuilding. That was what gave me a lot of gratitude. Being of service to people and seeing them smile, that’s the greatest gift anyone can ask for. I really learned at a young age that giving was much more pleasurabl­e than taking. So Give a Little Bit has become my anthem.

Q Any thoughts of retirement at this point?

A I can’t envision it. Obviously there will be some physical changes that I’ll probably just adapt to . ... The problem with retirement is that you’re thinking of yourself. I know for me, if I focus on myself, then things don’t go as well. When I lose myself doing something, being of service to other people, I think that’s the secret to happiness.

Q Finally, is there any chance of a Supertramp reunion?

A No, that ship has long sailed. When I first went out, a lot of people asked that question. Now I never get it even from diehard fans because, more often than not, they tell me they feel the spirit of Supertramp so much in my show. Supertramp was a great adventure and a great legacy, but it’s kind of like asking your parents to get back together again and expect the magic to be there after they’ve been divorced for 40 years. It’s not realistic.

The entertainm­ent industry is more about glorifying the artists, focusing on the star-making machine, if you like, and that’s missing the point.

 ??  ?? At the age of 68, former Supertramp frontman Roger Hodgson is still sharing that familiar voice.
At the age of 68, former Supertramp frontman Roger Hodgson is still sharing that familiar voice.

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