Montreal Gazette

Legault halts wage increases for medical specialist­s

Money will instead stay in trust fund pending talks


QUEBEC Premier François Legault has acted on an election promise and slapped a freeze on wage increases for medical specialist­s pending the results of a new study and a fresh round of negotiatio­ns.

Emerging from a meeting of the new cabinet, Legault told reporters he got a “bad surprise” in taking power from the Liberals. Contrary to his impression, no study on the wage difference­s between Quebec and Ontario doctors had been authorized by the previous regime.

That means the CAQ government’s renegotiat­ion of contracts with specialist­s signed by the Liberals will have to start later because the study is needed first, Legault said.

In the meantime, the increases granted to the Fédération des médecins spécialist­es du Québec (FMSQ) will not be accorded. The money will sit in a trust fund pending the results of talks.

“They are not significan­t amounts compared to the millions already given,” Legault said announcing he has put Treasury Board President Christian Dubé in charge of negotiatin­g with specialist­s.

Legault turned the blame back on the Liberals for failing to order the study. The original plan had been to ask the independen­t Canadian Institute for Health Informatio­n to conduct the research.

“I think the Liberal government was dragging its feet and it is unacceptab­le,” Legault said.

“We unfortunat­ely got a surprise on arriving, no mandate has been given for the study to be conducted.”

That study was included in the deal worked out between the government and the specialist­s eight months ago.

During the election campaign Legault ripped the Liberals for giving Quebec’s specialist­s more money than those in Ontario while Quebec’s nurses suffer work overloads and people wait for care.

The CAQ believes the specialist­s now earn on average $80,000 more a year than they should given Quebec’s lower cost of living. The increases are the result of an agreement designed to have their wages catch up with those of other doctors in Ontario.

In the election campaign, Legault said he believes the government gave $1 billion too much to specialist­s.

The specialist­s have defended the agreement insisting they are not greedy.

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