Montreal Gazette

Your horoscope


Birthday Gal: Actress Persia White was born in Miami on this day in 1972. This birthday gal starred as Lynn Searcy on “Girlfriend­s” from 2000-2008 and portrayed Abby Bennett Wilson on “The Vampire Diaries .” On the big screen, White’ s film work includes “Black November ,” “Dysfunctio­n al Friends ,” and “Spoken Word .” White has been married to her “Vampire Diaries” co-star Joseph Morgan since 2014. Aries (March21-April19): A four-leaf clover or lucky charm may cross your path. There is a kernel of goodness in any event, no matter how shocking, that you can put to your advantage. You can get what you want with the least amount of effort. Taurus( April 20- May 20): Find something extraordin­ary in the ordinary. Bend like the willow tree in the breeze when faced by small changes and remain firmly rooted with important things. Spur of the moment amorous escapades can prove satisfying. Gemini( May 21- June 20): Please the crowd. Let prevailing opinions guide your actions and you will have the support of the majority. You won’ t please everyone, but you will have smooth er sailing if you steer clear of unnecessar­y controvers­ies. Cancer (June21-July22): Even when you do what you love and are in your chosen field, it can’ t always be fun and games. Get the job done much faster by acting on an inspiratio­n or using imaginatio­n. Leo( July 23- Aug .22): A significan­t other can take precedence over business matters. You could find the workplace somewhat difficult to cope with and maybe challenged to steer clear of power plays. A new flirtation could bright en your day. Virgo( Aug .23- Sept .22): Hard work and dedication will eventually be rewarded. Live up to your even if it means walking a very dull, straight and narrow path. You maybe a genius at precise and detailed research. Lib ra( Sept .23- Oct .22): It is said that good friends make bad businesst let suspicions or ambition s cloudy our judgment. Sometimes the rules don’ t apply if a relationsh­ip transcends them. You will receive proof that a partner is trust worthy. Scorpio (Oct.23-Nov.21): Give in with a clear conscience. A surge of optimism and an up beat atmosphere makes this a pleasant day, but you will not get much accomplish­ed because team mates could be distracted by something new. Sagittariu­s (Nov.22-Dec.21): Unite with those who are up beat. Those people who seem to have the most fun could grant af av or. Your personal compass has a true north and will always aim in the direction of bright er and happier thoughts. Capricorn(Dec.22-Jan.19): Patience is a virtue. You may feel pressured to come to a quick decision, but if it is someone else’ s issue, you should be in no hurry to offer an opinion. Examine your objectives to make sure you are doing what’ s best for you. Aquarius (Jan.20-Feb.18): Do a favor for a new friend. You might not be re paid exactly the way you imagine, but something goodwill emerge from acts of kindness and generosity. Find ways to fit in wherever you go and with whoever you meet. Pisces (Feb.19-March20): Those who expect good luck usually receive it. Keep your eye out for beneficial situations and people who have your best interest sat heart. Team up with loyal people to reach any goal that has become a guiding force. if October 25 is your birthday: During the upcoming two to three weeks, your business sense is highlighte­d and those who have your best interest sat heart will grow closer. Your judgment about people and your vision of the future isa tits best, so this is an excellent time to develop plans for your future and make key decisions. It is easy to become distracted from what is essential importance during December. Friends or business matterscou­ld briefly interfere with your ongoing pursuit of real happiness. Wait until March, when you maybe inspired to make smart choices, to make crucial decisions and changes. That is when you will appeal to new employers and could meet the person of your dreams.

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