Montreal Gazette

Mount Royal route reopens. For how long?


OK, so there were no champagne corks popping, but there was much relief on the part of some motorists on Mount Royal.

After a five-month partial closure, the city’s prettiest and probably least-potholed route was reopened from one end to the other on Thursday morning.

Regardless, traffic was surprising­ly light on the CamillienH­oude Way/Remembranc­e Rd. thoroughfa­re, almost as if some thought it was a hoax.

Apart from the relief, there was also much skepticism among visitors. Few believed the road would stay permanentl­y open.

That’s entirely plausible in light of Mayor Valérie Plante’s declaratio­n on Wednesday that this pilot project was a success. Parks czar Luc Ferrandez went further: “We are extremely satisfied, even joyful. In fact, it was more than we hoped for.”

No matter that the nine-page report delivered to the city’s executive committee noted that preventing vehicles from using the thoroughfa­re as a crosstown artery didn’t exactly solve the problems in having motorists, cyclists and pedestrian­s sharing the road.

True, there were no accidents over the period, but some of us have a hard time believing that it was a boon in terms of visits to the mountain, as Ferrandez asserted — despite the fact he had no stats to back up that claim.

After the city executive committee presents its report to the Office de consultati­on publique de Montréal on Nov. 8, the bureau will then hear from various groups and individual­s on Nov. 28 in determinin­g what course of action to take next.

Among those hardest hit by the partial closure were those visiting loved ones in the Mount Royal and Notre-Dame-des-Neiges cemeteries. Those from the west side of the city heading to the Mount Royal Cemetery had to bring out their inner Magellans in trying to navigate their way through the city to enter it. Their only access was from the east side of the mountain. It was just the opposite for those from the east trying to make their way into the Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery. As a consequenc­e, many stopped visiting the cemeteries.

Shannon Morelli was particular­ly euphoric with the reopening, as she exited the Mount Royal Cemetery.

“I’m an avid cyclist and walker, but I don’t have the whole day to be biking and hiking. So this closure had been an enormous inconvenie­nce,” said Morelli, who has family buried at the cemetery. “But I’m not getting too excited about the reopening, because I’m guessing they will revert to the ban again, despite what the majority may want.”

Morelli points out that the public made its feelings known last spring in a petition against the closure signed by 36,000 people, while only 8,300 were in accord with it.

“If that’s not enough to say we’re dissatisfi­ed … I just don’t know. And what’s with these tacky shacks and hammocks? It’s not an amusement park here,” Morelli lamented. “But what I do know is that this is my tranquilli­zer, to drive through here every morning … such a beautiful way to start my day.”

Michel Lavigne was also emphatic: “Absurd!” He hikes up and down the mountain five days a week, year-round. But his job as a realtor also requires him to drive.

“I think there are too many cars, and we have to try to limit them. We also have to face the situation (cars aren’t going away),” Lavigne said. “But I think Ferrandez has an obsession (about keeping the pilot project going), no matter what.

“Ferrandez was ecstatic in front of journalist­s (on Wednesday). He was triumphant. There could be compromise­s made, but, forget the consultati­on, his decision has been made.”

Like many others have suggested, Lavigne, too, feels that some issues could be resolved by using concrete blocks to protect the bike path along CamillienH­oude Way. Photo radar is also an option to cut down on motorists — and cyclists — exceeding the 40km/ h speed limit.

Former TV cameraman Ray Poitras was delighted to make his first visit to the mountain in five months. “I live in a condo and it’s great for me to be able to walk through here in the summer and skate here in the winter. I bike as well, but to go up this hill, you’ve got to be in good shape. Certainly, there are more cars, but opening the road makes it so much easier. Still, I don’t think it will remain open, which I don’t quite understand.”

Veronica Dluhosh was also thrilled with the reopening. A personal trainer, she had spent an inordinate amount of time chauffeuri­ng elderly and disabled clients, from all parts of the city, to Beaver Lake and the cemeteries.

“I hope Madame Plante keeps it open so we can enjoy our city,” Dluhosh said.

“I’m praying for yes … I have to think positively. This is our sacred place.”

If you don’t put your faith in prayers alone, go to to make your feelings known.

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 ?? JOHN MAHONEY ?? “I hope Madame Plante keeps it open so we can enjoy our city,” Veronica Dluhosh, a personal trainer, said Thursday alongside her client Louise Caron.
JOHN MAHONEY “I hope Madame Plante keeps it open so we can enjoy our city,” Veronica Dluhosh, a personal trainer, said Thursday alongside her client Louise Caron.

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