Montreal Gazette

Quebec’s laïcité should be ‘soft,’ socially inclusive

Let’s not stigmatize religion, which can be a force for much good, Chris Barrigar says.


Laïcité is a firmly establishe­d term in Quebec’s self-understand­ing, but there is a spectrum of ideas about what it means.

Lise Ravary argues for what we could call “hard” laïcité: “religions should be kept out of all state institutio­ns” (“Laïcité can help block advance of political Islam” Oct. 23). In explaining her position, she says many Quebecers are afraid of “more Islam” in public institutio­ns (including schools), and of the violence in France coming here. She reminds her readers that “More than 500 French Muslims joined ISIS. Who can forget Charlie Hebdo, le Bataclan and the people killed in Nice on Bastille Day?” Consequent­ly, her position is that all influence and signs of religion should be kept out of state institutio­ns.

Many proponents of this type of laïcité seem to hold a negative view of religion. While it’s true that religion can be a source of harm, we could also point to the enormous good that comes from religion, beginning with examples here in Montreal. I think, for instance, of the Jewish community’s significan­t support for special needs people in this city, regardless of religion or creed (or no creed). Or the Sikh community’s support for local community services. Or the Protestant community’s work for immigrant integratio­n and youth literacy. Or the Catholic community’s support for the homeless. Or the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Associatio­n’s support for the secular community organizati­on where I volunteer. The list goes on.

Furthermor­e, over the past several decades, there have been hundreds of social science studies examining the effect of religion and religiosit­y on individual well-being; and the widespread conclusion is that, on balance, religious practices (individual and collective) correlate to improved measures of psychosoci­al well-being.

These range from reducing youth suicide attempts to increasing volunteeri­sm, from reducing male sexual aggression to increasing lifespans, from decreasing illicit drug use to increasing happiness. Public discussion and policy need to recognize such benefits associated with religion and religiosit­y — but society loses access to these because stereotype­s about religion mean that anything that seems even faintly “religious” gets automatica­lly marginaliz­ed.

Hard laïcité, with its stereotypi­ng and tendency to “us-versus-them” thinking, unavoidabl­y produces isolation and alienation, and so will move us toward, not away from, conditions like those in France.

We need, then, a version of laïcité that gets us past stereotype­s and opens up doors for majorities and minorities to work together for the benefit of all in Quebec.

For instance, Ravary mentions the Islamist violence in France but does not mention who committed the violence here in Quebec. Alexandre Bissonnett­e and Martin Couture-Rouleau were both secular-raised Québécois. Such selective memory perpetuate­s “us-versus-them” thinking. But as the killings at the Pittsburgh synagogue remind us, every sector of society, whether religious or secular, has its fringe elements from which violence can emerge.

Rather than stereotypi­ng a minority community as potentiall­y violent, secular and religious leaders should undertake a shared effort to understand, identify and resist the potential for violence from any direction.

Harm and benefit can be found in every area of humanity, secular and religious. So rather than making pronouncem­ents or policy that cast religion solely in a negative light, our collective task should be to discuss and identify the qualities we as a society want to strengthen or diminish, whether such qualities are found in religious or secular locations, then base policy decisions on these desired qualities.

A softer laïcité guards the state against preferenti­al treatment of, or influence from, any particular religious tradition, yet views religions inclusivel­y, as voices worth listening to, as with other voices in society.

This softer laïcité also means that religious symbols worn by government agents will reflect social inclusivit­y, equality of opportunit­y, and government­al protection of our freedoms — unlike in countless other parts of the world. Chris Barrigar is pastor of St. Peter’s Anglican Church in Town of Mount Royal.

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