Montreal Gazette

Start the magic early

Study shows that getting those Christmas decoration­s up makes you happy, healthy

- Suzanne Korf, a Pointe-Claire resident, is a profession­al fundraiser who has worked for non-profit organizati­ons for more than 25 years. She is a senior director of developmen­t for The Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation. SUZANNE KORF

The Halloween pumpkin has just been carted away in the compost bin and already Christmas decoration­s are making an appearance. According to the Journal of Environmen­tal Psychology, people who decorate early for Christmas are happier. Bah humbug, you say? The study found that people who break out the tinsel and lights early are not only happier but healthier and lead more fulfilled lives. Over the years I have learned that putting up the outdoor lights early makes me happier simply because it is no fun being up on a ladder in the bitter cold when the little plastic thingamabo­bs to attach the lights to the gutter keep breaking and you need to take several breaks to go inside to defrost your fingers. But I still struggle to get my indoor decoration­s up early enough so I have time to enjoy them. Could it be that this is as essential to my health and happiness as eating spinach and going to the gym? Our world is so busy that we don’t often slow down to enjoy simple pleasures. A typical lunch with friends involves wolfing down a salad, while scheduling appointmen­ts and answering texts. The train ride home involves catching up on work and personal emails and updating the never-ending “to do” list. When do we focus on doing one thing at a time anymore? But studies show that people who multitask are less productive than people who focus on completing one task at a time. As a serial multitaske­r, I like to think I can carry on a conversati­on while answering a text or reading emails. But I am probably only fooling myself. Experts say you can only do one cognitive task at a time and switching back and forth actually wastes time. It might explain why I feel exhausted at the end of the day. That and the fact that I probably read too many studies. Decorating, baking, shopping and entertaini­ng over the holidays can increase our stress and anxiety. So do something good for your health and get an early start this year. This weekend, I will put up my lights and buy my goodies at the Swiss Vienna Patisserie. I have marked Nov. 24 to enjoy the festivitie­s at Pointe-Claire’s Light up the Village. I plan to decorate, shop, wrap and bake early, and do one thing at a time. Not only is it good for my overall health and happiness, but I might make it to the holidays without feeling too frazzled. And if I am lucky, it might also bring back that magical, childlike feeling of wonder that the holidays can bring.

I plan to decorate, shop, wrap and bake early, and do one thing at a time.

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