Montreal Gazette



Makes: about 8 cups (2 L)

8 lbs 12 oz (4 kg) butternut squash Unpasteuri­zed butternut squash vinegar, or another unpasteuri­zed mild vinegar such as apple cider vinegar 80-proof neutral grain spirit ( like vodka)

Equipment notes:

1. You’ll need a juicer, a foodgrade plastic bucket or widemouthe­d jar with at least a 12-cup (3-L) capacity, and an air pump and air stone (a piece of porous rock or metal that diffuses air in small bubbles; find both in the aquarium section of any pet store). You’ll also want a breathable kitchen towel along with rubber bands to secure it to the top of your fermentati­on vessel. We recommend that you wear sterile gloves when working with your hands, and that all your equipment be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. 2. Wash the squash, cut them in half, seed them and cut into manageable pieces, leaving the skin on. Wearing gloves, put the squash through the juicer. Strain the juice through a fine-mesh sieve. Weigh it and pour it into the fermentati­on vessel. 3. Backslop (see note) the juice with 23.4 per cent of its weight in unpasteuri­zed vinegar. Calculate 20 per cent of the total weight of the juice and vinegar and add that much 80-proof spirit. 4. Place the air stone in the liquid so it rests on the bottom of the vessel and run the hose out the top to the air pump. Cover the vessel with cheeseclot­h or a breathable kitchen towel and secure with a rubber band. Tape over the gap left by the hose and turn on the pump. 5. Ferment the butternut squash vinegar for 10 to 14 days, tasting frequently during the home stretch. If the juice foams during the first few days, turn off the air pump for a bit or stir the foam back into the juice. 6. When you can no longer taste the alcohol and the vinegar is enjoyably acidic, strain it through cheeseclot­h. Store in capped bottles in the refrigerat­or to keep the flavours as fresh as possible, though the vinegar is perfectly shelf stable as long as it’s not exposed to air. The bright orange colour will fade over time. Note: Backsloppi­ng preps microbial environmen­ts for fermentati­on by giving them a boost of beneficial microbes — a dose from a previous batch of that same ferment.

SUGGESTED USES: Slow-cooked carrots

Find some nice carrots — not the monstrous horse carrots you might use for stock. Peel and slice them however you like — into thin strips or on a bias — or leave them whole. You’ll need a digital kitchen scale to make these recipes. The authors use the metric system “because it allows for much greater precision and accuracy than Imperial measuremen­ts.” And use weight rather than volume. “Stick your empty bowl on a scale, tare it and add the ingredient until you’ve reached the desired weight. No need to move ingredient­s between measuring cups and a work bowl.” Melt a big knob of butter in a pan over low heat and slowly caramelize the carrots in a single layer — as in, really slowly, with the butter gently foaming and bubbling. Turn the carrots every 6 or 7 minutes for anywhere between 30 and 50 minutes (depending on what your idea of low heat is). If you’ve done it correctly, the carrots should take on a caramelize­d colour and texture reminiscen­t of golden raisins. When they’re almost there, turn the heat up a tiny bit and add a touch of salt and one spoonful of squash vinegar for every two or three carrots. You want just enough liquid to coat the carrots lightly, giving them a kick of acidity and another dimension of flavour. This technique works great for other vegetables, too — anything that takes well to slow cooking.

Quick pickles

You can try this with any crunchy fruit or vegetable you’d enjoy eating raw, but let’s use a cucumber as an example. Slice the cucumber into thin (1/8-inch/3-mm) coins and season the slices lightly with salt, letting them marinate in a bowl for about 10 minutes before covering with butternut squash vinegar. Stir everything around to ensure even coverage, adding a bit of red pepper flakes for heat, if you like. Do this about an hour before dinner and they’ll be perfectly pickled by the time you’re sitting down to eat. One other thing we love to pickle with butternut squash vinegar is chanterell­e mushrooms. In a skillet, lightly sauté cleaned mushrooms in as little oil as possible, making sure they’re cooked but not mushy. Let them cool down on a plate, then transfer to a glass jar. Cover with twice their volume in vinegar (they’ll soak up a fair bit of it) and seal the jar tightly. They’ll be delicious by the next day, but the pickles will last several months in the refrigerat­or. If you take the canning process a step further and process the jars using the boiling water bath method, the pickles will last even longer — 6 months to a year in a cool dark place. They’re a perfect condiment alongside roast chicken or fish and make a great gift.

 ??  ?? The butternut squash vinegar fermentati­on process on days 1, 7 and 14.
The butternut squash vinegar fermentati­on process on days 1, 7 and 14.
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