Montreal Gazette

It’s already hard enough to park downtown

Plante administra­tion needs to understand the realities of those living on the periphery

- FARIHA NAQVI-MOHAMED Fariha Naqvi-Mohamed is the founder and editor in chief of CanadianMo­, a lifestyle blog.­meh

What’s a parking spot worth? Ask a parent travelling with their child(ren) downtown, ask someone who lives in a remote part of the city or the suburbs and has to commute into town to work at odd hours. Ask someone with reduced mobility who cannot take the métro and bus easily and either needs to drive or rely on relatives and friends to bring them downtown. Mayor Valérie Plante’s administra­tion is planning to develop Ste-Catherine St. W. into a pedestrian-friendly (NOT car friendly) strip, and is looking at the possibilit­y of eliminatin­g all parking on the street between Mansfield St. and Atwater Ave. While the city insists no final decision has been made, the mere fact that this is being seriously considered offers insight into what the Montreal mayor has as a vision. Final plans are to be released next summer. There is already a plan to eliminate spots between Bleury and Mansfield Sts. Anyone who has driven downtown and struggled to find the elusive parking spot, navigating a myriad of street signs while respecting the ever-present orange cones that adorn our beautiful city, knows the challenge. You circle, trying to scan for the hint of an indicator, brake light, tire slightly protruding into traffic, a nod in the right direction by a pedestrian walking

I want access to all of my beautiful city, and not just on a bike or on foot.

with keys in their hand. Then you pounce, waiting patiently for the right moment to back your vehicle in, practicall­y flailing your arms in victory. Plante and her team may well have good intentions, but they need to understand the realities of those living on the periphery of the island or off-island. Using our bicycles to commute to work or head downtown to shop is not a reality for most. As a West Island mom of two, I can say that the likelihood of our travelling downtown as a family on transit is slim to none. When possible, I have started to take the train to go downtown to a part-time job; however, on the days that I find myself working at odd hours, I often also have to rely on my vehicle. A car will get me home in 30 minutes, versus a wait of 45 minutes to catch a train (outside of rush hour) plus another hour of travel time to get home. All this is compounded by the reality that many parents face, which is to rush home to spend a finite amount of time with our children before they go to bed. One thing we expect from our politician­s is to make decisions that take into account other people’s realities. This is a pattern I do not see from the Plante administra­tion, particular­ly when it comes to transport. The car-free REM stations in the West Island are prime examples of this, as was the closing of Mount Royal to through traffic this summer as a pilot project. Parking on Ste-Catherine is no different. You’ll have to excuse my anger. As someone who does the proverbial song and parking dance regularly now regarding parking on the streets of Montreal, hearing that nearly 500 spots may well be eliminated in the heart of our city is a tough pill to swallow. That will put additional strain on the already limited places we do have. As well, parking garages are filled and have resorted to offering valet services to allow additional vehicles. This is a reality for thousands of Montrealer­s, and we are frustrated that the mayor is out of touch with the needs of citizens. Eliminatin­g parking also will affect stores and restaurant­s along the affected portion of the street. Public transit is not the easiest option for those planning on making substantia­l purchases. As a Montrealer, I want access to all of my beautiful city, and not just on a bike or on foot.

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