Montreal Gazette

Christmas as I first knew it

- BILL YOUNG Bill Young (a.k.a. BILLY) is a longtime Hudson resident. Merry Christmas to all.

I was two months away from my third birthday when I first cottoned on to the magic of Christmas.

I was Florence and Harold Young’s first child — my brother was still two years away — and, I’m told, quite precocious.

In fact, I could read my name — BILLY — when printed.

As Christmas drew closer, I sensed the atmosphere in the home was changing. There was more energy, more excitement, and more packages stacked in the tiny front closet than I had ever seen before. Something was afoot. When Mother took me to visit Santa Claus, the real Santa Claus, I was tongue-tied. What do you say to Santa?

Then when father lugged a fir tree into the house and suddenly packages began to gather underneath, I could tell something important was in store.

And suddenly, it was Christmas Eve. Santa Claus was coming!

When Mother tucked me in that night I couldn’t fall asleep, not until Father assured me that Santa never visits little boys who stay awake trying to see him. On that note, I finally nodded off.

And slept solidly — until about 3 a.m.

When I woke up I found a stocking on my pillow.

“He did come!” My amazed self whispered in the quiet dark. “Santa did come.”

Quickly exhausting the stocking’s contents — candies and little toys — and now wideawake, I stumbled flat-footed toward the dining room and the Christmas tree.

There were presents everywhere. On the floor. In the tree. On chairs. And many had BILLY written on them. That was all it took.

Without thinking, I began pulling BILLY packages off the tree and tearing them open — they were mostly mittens and tuques and other uninterest­ing stuff — only to discover the real treasures lay in boxes on the floor.

Toys everywhere, and best yet, a dump truck where you sat on the cab and made it go with your feet.

I doubt I had ever been happier in my life.

But soon enough I was worn out. I retraced my stumbling, flat-footed trek back to bed, and sleep.

When my parents came to wake me for breakfast they had already visited the chaos left behind in the dining room, BILLY gifts opened and strewn in every corner of the room.

Mother wept softly, all that careful planning, and now this: Father chose to use the disappoint­ing moment as a lesson for future Christmase­s.

We had breakfast and washed up, and then went “into the tree.” Father distribute­d the few gifts still unopened, presents for Mother and Father, and to and from other friends and relatives, one at a time.

Of course, not one of these was for Billy. And when he realized it, Billy was beside himself. This was not fair; Mommy and Daddy were getting presents, AND BILLY WASN’T.

In time, Billy settled down and, amid tears and sniffles, he began playing with his toys.

And that is why today, at our house, Christmas gifts are not opened until after breakfast, after the last dish is washed and put away, after we are all seated, sedately, in the living room.

Only then does Father Christmas mete out the gifts, one at a time. And no peeking allowed.

“Delayed anticipati­on” is what we call it. It works wonders.

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