Montreal Gazette

It’s not modern, it’s poor manners

- ANNIE LANE Send your questions for Annie Lane to To find out more about Annie Lane and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonist­s, visit the Creators Syndicate website at

Dear Annie: I was brought up to say, “Excuse me,” when someone was in the way and I needed to pass. I have noticed when I say this to younger people they reply, “Oh, you’re fine,” and don’t move.

One day a store employee was blocking the aisle with boxes all around, making it impossible to navigate, and I said, “Excuse me.” When she replied, “Oh you’re fine,” I said, “I know I’m fine, I need you to move so I can pass.” She seemed confused.

Is this phrase obsolete? Or is it people of a certain age that don’t know or weren’t taught what “excuse me” means? Dear Excuse Me: Saying, “Excuse me” is not a young or old person thing; it is merely a polite thing to do. Saying, “Oh, you’re fine” as a response seems like the person, whether old or young, is oblivious to social standards.

If you need to get by, the polite way to ask someone to move is to say, “Excuse me” or “Pardon me.” You can always add, “I need to get by.”

Dear Annie: I need your help! I recently married my college sweetheart. Everything has been great. We met in Boston in college and moved to New York City for both of our jobs and to be close to his family. I grew up on a farm in Minnesota.

My husband’s parents have been really kind and welcoming to me. His mother is extremely fashionabl­e and chic. Think Anna Wintour. Sometimes I find her beauty and grace a little intimidati­ng. But her kindness slowly melts any fear.

Her birthday is fast approachin­g, and my husband has entrusted me with finding her a beautiful piece of jewelry that will be a gift from both him and his father. I am very flattered by all the love and acceptance I receive from my in-laws, but in the fashion department I am a farm girl at heart.

Do you have any suggestion­s as what to give as a gift to my fabulously chic mother-in-law?? Dear Blue Jean Girl: Congratula­tions on your marriage. Your husband and his parents sound very loving, and being just married in a new city is such an exciting time of your life.

As far as your mother-inlaw, my guess is that having a daughter-in-law as thoughtful and loving as you are is the biggest gift she could ask for. So rest assured that whatever material item you give to her will be appreciate­d.

However, every woman loves jewelry. You might want to look for a designer, such as Brent Neale, with the goal being to find jewelry that is colourful, nature inspired, timeless and, most importantl­y, just makes the wearer of their pieces happy.

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