Montreal Gazette


Laura battling depression


Laura can barely recall anything from the last three years.

“I can remember bits and pieces,” the 35-year-old said. “But mostly, it’s just a haze.”

Years ago, before graduating from the Université de Montréal with a bachelor’s degree in environmen­tal sciences, Laura said she thought she had it all: exceptiona­l grades, an upcoming internship at a reputable animal-research centre and big dreams of becoming a marine biologist.

Following her graduation, her personal life thrived. She married her college sweetheart at 26 and gave birth to two daughters not long after. However, her profession­al life didn’t turn out like she’d hoped. Fierce competitio­n in her field and the responsibi­lities associated with raising two kids made it hard for her to pursue her ambitions, she said.

“I was working a crummy retail job and getting paid less than minimum wage,” she said. “I felt like a failure, like I wasted all my potential.”

Then, about three years ago, something inside her “just snapped.” Not only was she discourage­d by work and finding it harder to go, she said she lost all motivation to eat, leave the house or be there for her kids, who are nine and six. She simply didn’t see the point in living her life, she said.

“I can’t explain it,” she said. “I just felt stuck.”

Her family and friends didn’t know what to do about her depression. Laura’s husband worked double shifts at his auto-repair shop and took a more active role in raising the children.

All the while, Laura spoke little and remained isolated from those around her.

Two months ago, Laura’s eldest daughter crawled into bed with her. Through tear-soaked eyes, she told her mother she didn’t recognize her anymore and she was scared of losing her forever.

“My daughter told me that it’s all right to cry if you have a reason,” Laura said. “But if you don’t have a reason, you just have to fight.”

The next day, Laura took that advice. She got out of bed, scheduled a therapy session, joined a support group and booked an appointmen­t with her family doctor, who would eventually prescribe antidepres­sants for her.

“Things got better as soon as I started asking for help,” she said.

Best of all, a social-services counsellor helped her find a job at a nearby animal shelter. While there are still bad days, Laura said things are better now that she has a job she enjoys and a support network she can count on.

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned from all this, it’s that there are resources for everyone,” she said. “All you have to do is find them.”

To make the holiday season a little easier for Laura and her family, she will be receiving a $125 cheque from the Montreal Gazette Christmas Fund. Laura said the money will go toward buying a special gift for her daughters.

“I want to give them the best Christmas ever,” she said. “I want them to know their mom is back, and she’s not going anywhere.”

My daughter told me that it’s all right to cry if you have a reason. But if you don’t have a reason, you just have to fight.

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