Montreal Gazette

Legault’s AK-47 comments raise ire of Mohawks

‘It’s highly irresponsi­ble. We are totally and absolutely not armed’


First Nations authoritie­s denounced Premier François Legault Wednesday, saying he is inflaming tensions with his “reckless” rhetoric.

Legault said Wednesday the Mohawks of Kahnawake who are blocking Canadian Pacific Railway tracks are in possession of heavy weapons — specifical­ly AK-47 assault rifles.

He made the comments to reporters after the regular Wednesday cabinet meeting at the legislatur­e.

“We have informatio­n that confirms there are weapons, AK-47S to name them,” Legault said. “Thus weapons that are very dangerous.”

He said the Sûreté du Québec is hesitating to act as a result. He said the provincial police force is examining all options when it comes to enforcing the injunction obtained by CP Rail on Tuesday ordering an end to the blockades.

“The SQ is working on a plan to dismantle the blockade,” he said. “They are speaking to the Peacekeepe­rs. But there are people who are armed. It’s very delicate.”

Asked why he was revealing this fact, Legault said: “I want people to understand why the SQ has not intervened yet.”

Legault did not specify whether the weapons in question are on the reserve or at the blockade itself, but he said caution is required regardless.

“I do not want to have on my conscience that police were wounded during an action,” he said.

He repeated his complaint that CP is no longer able to use the rail line and that it is hurting the economy.

Legault made the comments as Mohawks were reinforcin­g their blockade on Wednesday.

Blockade organizers are acting in solidarity with those opposed to the Coastal Gaslink pipeline project that crosses the traditiona­l territory of the Wet’suwet’en First Nation near Houston, B.C.

Kenneth Deer, a spokespers­on for the protesters in Kahnawake, said Legault was making “false statements.”

“We are absolutely shocked and totally dismayed by the comments of Premier Legault,” said Deer, secretary of the Mohawk Nation of Kahnawake.

“I think it’s highly irresponsi­ble. We are totally and absolutely not armed and we don’t intend to be armed.”

Deer said the people of Kahnawake “are committed to a peaceful resolve and continue to support the Wet’suwet’en people in this struggle.”

The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake also denounced Legault’s statements.

“The Premier needs to be far more careful in his actions,” Ietsénhaie­nhs Kahsennenh­awe Sky-deer said in a statement. “Once certain statements are made, they often can’t be taken back. Using terms like ‘armed’ and ‘AK-47S’ is extremely inflammato­ry and, in fact, dangerous. It could be interprete­d as an intent to incite a response.”

Legault’s statement was also denounced by Kyle Zachary, spokesman for the Kahnawake Mohawk Peacekeepe­rs.

“It’s not only incorrect, it’s reckless, it’s dangerous, it’s unprofessi­onal and it’s only going to serve to exacerbate the situation which nobody here wants to happen,” Zachary told Montreal’s 98.5 FM radio station on Wednesday. “Nobody in Kahnawake — peacekeepe­rs and the residents included — nobody wants another 1990. And it certainly seems that Premier Legault is trying to steer us into that direction.”

Legault, however, said earlier that the police have “good sources” and remain confident about the validity of their informatio­n.

Regardless, Deer said SQ officers should stay off the territory if they don’t want a confrontat­ion.

“It’s up to the SQ to decide if they want to have a physical confrontat­ion or not,” he said. “It would be better if they don’t come in at all. It would be better if Canadian Pacific withdrew its injunction or didn’t serve it.”

On Wednesday morning, several piles of rocks were dumped in front of the barricade site. The footprint of the barricade was getting steadily larger, as constructi­on trucks brought concrete barriers in, and other trucks brought in gravel to place near the tracks, where mud was causing a problem for cars driving in and out of the area.

“We’re hoping that they don’t come, but we’re preparing in case they do,” Deer said. “We’re being cautious. Now that there’s an injunction out there, people will be taking certain precaution­s.”

A source at the barricade, who didn’t wish to divulge her name, said the area has a kitchen tent, an area where children play, and protesters had just finished building a fish smoker on Wednesday afternoon.

“I’ve never seen the community this united,” she said.

“I can’t emphasize enough that this is peaceful, it’s calm and there are no weapons. To say otherwise is dangerous. Legault is causing a panic.”

Another protester coming away from the blockade Wednesday said a confrontat­ion with the SQ would be a huge step backward for relations with the government.

“Canada and Quebec have agreed that the sole policing authority are the Kahnawake Peacekeepe­rs,” said Taiaiake Alfred. “We have 30 years of co-operation and goodwill with the SQ and Kahnawake. Is Quebec willing to throw all that away? That’s what would happen if hardliner people (asking for the SQ to intervene) got their way.”

Also Wednesday, a senior Legault minister warned the dispute is impeding trade and will have an effect on Quebec’s economic growth.

“It’s clear it will have an effect,” Economic Developmen­t Minister Pierre Fitzgibbon told reporters arriving for a meeting of the Quebec cabinet. “The propane supply is an issue and many small companies can no longer export.”

As the rail crisis entered its 21st day, Fitzgibbon said he is getting daily updates from a host of small and medium-sized Quebec companies on the effect it is having on their business.

The main issue now is the inability of Quebec firms to export as well as companies starting to run out of raw materials needed to feed production lines, Fitzgibbon said.

He said the federal government is also monitoring the impact of the blockades. Last week, Legault estimated the dispute is costing the Quebec economy $100 million a day.

“I think the federal government is as aware as we are of the impact on the Canadian economy,” Fitzgibbon said. “They’re not stupid. I am sure they have a Plan B. They probably won’t tell the population. I hope they do (have a Plan B) because this could never end.”

 ?? JACQUES BOISSINOT/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? “We have informatio­n that confirms there are weapons, AK-47S to name them,” Premier François Legault said on Wednesday. “Thus weapons that are very dangerous.”
JACQUES BOISSINOT/THE CANADIAN PRESS “We have informatio­n that confirms there are weapons, AK-47S to name them,” Premier François Legault said on Wednesday. “Thus weapons that are very dangerous.”

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