Montreal Gazette

Lack of sleep causing some major frustratio­n


Dear Annie: I am a 65-yearold woman who suffers from insomnia. I exercise regularly, limit my caffeine intake and try to wind down at the end of the day with relaxing books or TV shows. However, there are still a couple of nights a week when I simply cannot fall asleep.

I’m retired, so I don’t have to worry about going to work in the morning, but it’s still very frustratin­g to lie awake for hours, tired but not sleepy. I feel lousy the next day, too. — Sleepless in Roanoke

Dear Sleepless in Roanoke: There might be a third option here. Melatonin is a natural sleep aid that is considered safe, with few side effects. Couple that with some breathing techniques and you might find yourself dozing off in as little as five minutes. Healthline outlines how to practice 4-7-8 breathing technique. Continue your routine of winding down and limiting caffeine, but substitute just reading instead of TV. Any electronic screen can affect your quality of sleep.

Dear Annie: A few weeks ago, a letter ran from a person who seems to have tried everything to get in shape, from gym membership­s to personal trainers, and asked, “How do people stick with it?”

I don’t know how others do, but I’m willing to share how I have. I graduated from high school nearly 50 years ago at 98 pounds. I now weigh 127 pounds. I had a baby in those years, too. So, how have I managed to only gain 29 pounds in 49 years?

Lots of small things: Walk for a mile every night after dinner (it’s good for your waistline and your marriage). Park toward the back of the parking lot and walk all the way in. Dance while watching an entire 30-minute television program (it’s hard to eat while doing this, and it burns a lot more calories than just sitting there). Think “just five minutes” of exercise: Do situps, jumping jacks, pushups, toe touches or rope skipping for just five minutes. It’s not a major commitment.

At a restaurant, ask for a box when your food first comes. Put half of your meal in right then. Once it’s in the box, even if you’re tempted to clean your plate, you will have only eaten a healthy portion.

None of these are big things. But lots of small things do add up. — Still Slender 50 Years Later

Dear Still Slender 50 Years Later: Congrats on your continued health. Just about anyone could use your suggestion­s to jumpstart their wellness routine. That they are playful and provide opportunit­ies to connect with others is especially beneficial.

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