Montreal Gazette

Virus fears are accentuati­ng mankind’s bad habits

- JOSH FREED Joshfreed4­

I was at a car dealership last week and there on the greeting desk was the new symbol of our times: the Purell bottle you see in banks, stores, daycares, dentists and probably on the prime minister’s desk.

The global Purell boom is so huge, a conspiracy theorist might think the company secretly started “the virus” to get us all washing our hands more often than Lady Macbeth.

Meanwhile, poor Corona beer probably took a beating until the coronaviru­s was renamed COVID -19.

Yet our sudden obsession with hand sanitizer is really a symbol of our isolated and fearful times. The virus is accentuati­ng many trends that were already infecting the world, among them: Germaphobi­a: We were living in an increasing­ly germ-spooked society long before this virus struck.

We worry compulsive­ly about what we eat, drink, breathe and touch. Many people already avoid shaking hands or kissing at parties and the virus just magnifies this.

Quebec’s health minister just advised everyone to behave similarly to ward off COVID-19.

Coughing into your elbow has become sensibly de rigueur in recent years, but with growing “virusphobi­a”, even that’s nowhere near enough. A Quebec family was kicked off an Air Transat plane to Paris last week when their baby coughed.

The child was examined by two doctors that day who declared it wasn’t the virus. But panicky passengers heard the child’s cough and pressured flight staff to boot the baby off board.

If virus panic increases, we’ll all have to stifle every sneeze — because instead of saying “gesundheit!”, the diner at the next table will turn white, then demand we be exiled to another seat. Or city.

Isolation: Millions of people are in voluntary or imposed quarantine in homes, hotels and cruise ships.

We will probably see this here once the virus arrives in force, as sick people are encouraged to self-quarantine. Canada’s Health Minister just suggested we all stockpile emergency food and medicine to survive inside our homes for a week.

Yet these quarantine­s, too, fit eerily into our times, because they’re extensions of other trends already pushing us inside.

In Australia, many people recently spent weeks indoors because it was way too hot or polluted to step outside. In L.A., many stayed inside because of fires and smoke-filled air — self-quarantini­ng themselves in air-conditione­d homes.

The changing climate has begun to scare us and if it gets more extreme, staying in will soon be in. Even in normal weather, indoor life is getting far too popular.

Legions of people now shop online instead of prowling our streets and stores, pushing many shops into bankruptcy in Montreal and elsewhere. Armies of others cocoon on their couch every night to binge on Netflix — which has movie theatres struggling to survive.

Food delivery services like Uber Eats are shrinking restaurant crowds as more people dine out, by ordering in. These are all forms of voluntary self-quarantine that will rapidly increase when the virus hits town for real.

Many people also work from home to avoid commuting and neverendum constructi­on. This will become hugely popular — perhaps even mandatory — if the virus strikes hard.

Overall, events and technology are conspiring to keep us indoors and isolated from each other. Face-to-face conversati­ons are gradually being replaced by online chats.

Telephone calls are becoming outmoded, as rambling conversati­on is replaced by terse texts.

In a recent novel about the future by Gary Shteyngart, young people communicat­e almost exclusivel­y online — and so rarely have emotional faceto-face chats they refer to it as “verballing.”

Mask Mania: It’s spreading as fast as the virus. Yet in Asia millions of scooter drivers wore masks long before this to avoid air pollution, or protect their skin from the sun.

My prediction: as environmen­tal anxiety mounts, masks will become as ubiquitous as today’s water bottles — fashionabl­e health gear to avoid viruses, germs, pollution and sun.

Face masks may even become popular to defend ourselves against the latest attack on privacy — face recognitio­n. Xenophobia: We live in a time of growing suspicion of “others” and the virus is accelerati­ng this, too. In San Francisco and other cities, normally crowded Chinatowns are near-empty, while parents pull students from schools to avoid classmates of Asian background.

Donald Trump is fighting globalism and encouragin­g isolationi­sm and the virus seems to be working for him.

Overall, between xenophobia, germaphobi­a, pollution and paranoia the virus may be giving us a glimpse of the future. But of course, it’s all being brought to us through the lens of cable TV and the web, which spread panic faster than pandemics.

In many ways, the virus is just going viral.

So, what can we all do to reduce our anxiety and stay safe? Car accidents and annual flus kill far more people every year than this virus so far, yet we pay practicall­y no attention to them. Most people don’t even get flu shots.

So wash your hands, stay calm and carry on. But remember — DON’T sneeze.

 ?? BRIAN SNYDER/REUTERS ?? The global Purell boom is so huge, a conspiracy theorist might think the company secretly started “the virus” to get us all washing our hands more often than Lady Macbeth, Josh Freed writes.
BRIAN SNYDER/REUTERS The global Purell boom is so huge, a conspiracy theorist might think the company secretly started “the virus” to get us all washing our hands more often than Lady Macbeth, Josh Freed writes.
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