Montreal Gazette

Premier Legault declares a state of emergency

Introduces sweeping measures to help curb spread of coronaviru­s


Declaring Quebec in an emergency situation that requires decisive acts and sacrifices by all, the Legault government Thursday announced a series of tough, sweeping measures designed to curb the spread of the novel coronaviru­s before it gets out of hand.

And the orders could get more draconian — from closing schools and shopping malls to a generalize­d quarantine of the Island of Montreal, Quebec’s most populated city. The province has the power to do it all if necessary and rules nothing out as it tries to keep the number of cases down.

“I am asking a lot,” Premier François Legault conceded at a news conference where the new measures were announced now that Quebec has 17 confirmed cases of the virus — thus far all travellers who came home with the virus.

“We have a major challenge and if we want to succeed I need the help of all Quebecers.

“Today, Quebec must put itself on an emergency footing. Our challenge in the coming weeks to contain the spread of the virus. The coming weeks will be critical. Our goal is slow the spread of the virus to the maximum.

“Priority 1 is public health. We have to protect ourselves and the best way to protect those we love is to protect ourselves. I am calling on the solidarity of Quebecers, on the sense of responsibi­lity of everyone.”

Legault also warned Quebecers to brace for the long haul: months not weeks of disturbanc­es in their lives.

“The coming weeks will be critical in terms of the virus spreading. But we have to be realistic. We are facing a crisis that will last for months. We must prepare.”

Earlier, in the legislatur­e, he said: “The coming months are going to be very difficult, very difficult for our health network, very difficult for the Quebec economy.”

The government plan — which was followed by a string of other cancellati­ons and closings by cities and groups across Quebec — is stern stuff, but less harsh compared with acts taken by the rest of the planet. Quebec, for example, has not closed public schools, while Ontario has — until April 5.

“We are not asking that schools be closed at this time,” Education Minister Jean-françois Roberge told reporters. “As the premier said, nothing is excluded at this time. We are assessing the situation.”

One reason the province is holding back is because there has not yet been a confirmed transmissi­on on Quebec soil. It will happen, warned Quebec’s director of public health, Horacio Arruda, who sat at the premier’s side. It’s just a matter of time.

Quebec estimates between 30 and 70 per cent of the population could be affected by the virus, which Arruda noted is tougher to fight than the regular flu because humans have no antibodies to resist it.

He added the very nature of the virus means strong measures are required immediatel­y, even though the chance of getting it remains slim.

“Actually, for Quebecers, if they have not travelled outside, the risk is not zero but almost zero,” Arruda said.

“We are not in a crisis because we have not lost control of the situation,” Arruda said. “What we want to do is prevent a crisis. That’s why we went with strong (measures) early. All these things will reduce the risk of having a high curve (of patients).”

He warned public health laws also give him sweeping powers.

“It’s clear we will be violating the rights of individual­s, but it is for the collective good and the good of people,” said Arruda. “Our system requires the solidarity of everyone.”

But for now, the measures announced are as follows:

Legault is asking anyone who has

returned to Quebec from any part of the world or who has flu symptoms to self-isolate for 14 days to slow the spread of the coronaviru­s. The measure is applicable as of Thursday, not retroactiv­ely.

Health-care workers have

no choice and are ordered to self-quarantine. Public-sector workers who self-isolate will be paid, Legault said. Quebec will announce a financial package for the private sector in the coming days, but workers who are able should try and work from home.

The government will announce

measures to help businesses who are affected by solvency issues at a later date. “We won’t leave anyone behind,” Legault said.

Organizers of indoor events that

attract more than 250 people are ordered to cancel them for the next 30 days. Any other events deemed not essential can also be cancelled. Public schools will not be closed for the time being, but the government is ruling nothing out. For now it is asking them to limit large group activities or eating together at the same time in the cafeteria.

Moments after the announceme­nt,

■ the National Hockey League joined the National Basketball Associatio­n in “pausing ” the rest of the season. Other groups seemed to take the cue, were adding their events to the list of cancelled or postponed, including both Montreal’s and Quebec City’s St. Patrick’s parades.

■ Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante announced the closing of the city’s arenas, pools and libraries, botanical gardens and planetariu­m, but not the métro because it is too essential for workers to get around.

■ Quebec’s Catholic bishops also announced all Saturday and Sunday masses were being cancelled and the National Assembly suspended all visits from the public, even though parliament itself is still operating. Overnight, hand sanitizer dispensers were installed at strategic locations and media events staged with a distance between reporters and politician­s.

■ The Coalition Avenir Québec, Liberal and Québec solidaire political parties suspended their public activities until further notice.

■ Legault also said Quebecers should think twice before visiting seniors in residences. Anyone feeling symptoms should delay their visits or use the telephone. Starting Friday, security guards will be posted at all long-term-care public residences. They will ask visitors questions.

“Have you travelled lately? You have to wash your hands,” Quebec’s minister for seniors, Marguerite Bais, said at the news conference.

But Legault made a special effort to offer support to health-care workers.

“You’re our guardian angels,” he said, flanked by Arruda and Health Minister Danielle Mccann. “In the name of all Quebecers, an enormous thank you. We know it will be difficult for several weeks. We are here to support you.”

Quebec announced eight new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday, bringing the total to 17.

Legault has also put his government on high alert, calling a special cabinet meeting Thursday to deal with the crisis. He plans to hold daily media briefings Friday and through the weekend from the provincial capital where he has set up a crisis committee of ministers to deal with the situation.

And he’s ready to go further, arguing it might also be time for the federal government to consider closing Canada’s borders as is being done in the United States.

Legault said he plans to raise the issue when the premiers and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meet Friday by conference call. Trudeau and his wife, Sophie Grégoire, had already self-isolated themselves when it was announced Thursday night that Grégoire has tested positive for COVID -19.

“I think we need to consider it seriously,” Legault said.

 ?? JACQUES BOISSINOT/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? “The coming weeks will be critical. Our goal is slow the spread of the virus to the maximum,” Premier François Legault said Thursday as he announced a series of sweeping measures. Quebec Health Minister Danielle Mccann, right, looks on.
JACQUES BOISSINOT/THE CANADIAN PRESS “The coming weeks will be critical. Our goal is slow the spread of the virus to the maximum,” Premier François Legault said Thursday as he announced a series of sweeping measures. Quebec Health Minister Danielle Mccann, right, looks on.

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