Montreal Gazette

Keep it moving

Walking may be best way to relieve leg pain from narrowed blood vessels


Discomfort in the calf and upper legs during walking is a hallmark of narrowed blood vessels due to heart disease, but walking more — not less — can help ease the pain, experts say.

This type of pain comes from intermitte­nt claudicati­on, when too little blood reaches the muscles, and it is usually a sign that blood vessels in the legs are clogged by atheroscle­rosis, a condition known as peripheral artery disease.

Research shows that a supervised exercise program can help and should be the first treatment tried, a group of exercise and rehabilita­tion experts writes in a new infographi­c.

If a supervised program isn’t available, patients can follow a walk-rest-walk pattern on their own, which the authors illustrate in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

“The condition is underdiagn­osed and undertreat­ed despite it being common and associated with mobility limitation and an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, amputation and death,” said co-author Garry Tew of Northumbri­a University in Newcastle, U.K. “The public is not well informed about peripheral artery disease or its main symptom of intermitte­nt claudicati­on,” Tew said. “Clinical guidelines recommend exercise as a first-line approach.”

Intermitte­nt claudicati­on affects about four per cent of people over age 60 and is the most common symptom of peripheral artery disease, according to the U.K.’S National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. It leads to impaired quality of life and increased risk of death from heart attack and stroke.

NICE guidelines recommend a three-month supervised exercise program to reduce pain, improve heart health, boost mood, improve sleep, maintain a healthy weight and ultimately lower the need for vascular procedures on the legs, such as clearing blood vessels and placing a stent.

Supervised exercise classes have shown the greatest benefits, the authors write, and patients should feel comfortabl­e asking their doctor what’s available locally.

“There is good quality research evidence showing that it can improve walking ability and quality of life,” Tew said. “Some types of exercise are more effective than others, so it is useful to highlight the type that will benefit patients the most.”

If a program isn’t available, patients can exercise on their own, alternatin­g between walking for three to 10 minutes until moderate-to-strong pain develops, resting until the pain subsides, and then walking for three to 10 minutes again.

Patients should aim to complete 30 to 60 minutes of walking per session and three to five sessions per week. On at least two days per week, they should also incorporat­e strength and balance activities, such as yoga, dance, tai chi, bowling or lifting weights at a gym.

The experts also recommend wearing comfortabl­e clothing and staying hydrated. In addition, they say, choose walking routes with resting places, exercise with others and build in variety to keep the walking routine fun. Of course, don’t exercise if unwell, and seek medical advice if chest pain, dizziness or sickness occurs during walking.

Overall, the exercise researcher­s write, don’t fear walking with leg pain, and build up the walking speed and time gradually. It typically takes several weeks of exercise to improve symptoms.

“It may take a while to achieve significan­t improvemen­ts after you have started exercising or walking, so be patient,” said Ukachukwu Abaraogu of Glasgow Caledonian University in the U.K.

Abaraogu, who wasn’t involved with the infographi­c, researches intermitte­nt claudicati­on and chronic diseases. “Be intentiona­l about exercising and aim to do it for 30 to 60 minutes per day several times a week,” he told Reuters Health by email. “But do not be afraid to start, even if you cannot achieve this at the beginning.”

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Even moderate walking will help ease leg pain, experts say, and it helps if the sessions are fun.
GETTY IMAGES Even moderate walking will help ease leg pain, experts say, and it helps if the sessions are fun.

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