Montreal Gazette

Sparks fly in inspired sci-fi game


7th Sector

Sometimes You

Available on Nintendo Switch, PC, Playstatio­n 4, Xbox One

Sergey Noskov’s 7th Sector is an inspired sci-fi game that draws on the visual vocabulary of the 1980s. Neon skies, rabbit-eared television­s and moody synth music all play into its analog vision of the future. Although it has its stealth and action moments, at its heart 7th Sector is a challengin­g puzzle game that will occasional­ly tap into your math or logic skills, or, if you’re like me, send you scurrying to the internet for answers. The game’s atmospheri­c quality, which evokes themes of confinemen­t and the struggle for liberation, is reminiscen­t of the work of Playdead, the Danish developmen­t studio that released Inside (2016), which set the standard for dark cinematic sidescroll­ers.

7th Sector opens with a scene that recalls the haunted television in Steven Spielberg’s Poltergeis­t. On a fuzzy CRT television an indistinct figure materializ­es. Using the thumbstick on the controller, you can guide it to either side where it will push against the edge as though at the door of a cage. Then, with the press of a button, the phantom on the screen transforms into a spark that can pass through the cables attached to the television.

From there you can hop between other cables snaked along the ground or attached to different surfaces, as well as into transistor boxes and other electronic sources. Over the length of the adventure, the backstory of which is told in collectibl­es spread throughout the environmen­t, you’ll hijack everything from the power amp on a record player to a child’s RC car, to domestic and killer robots and other forms of machinery.

Travelling as a spark along cables reminded me of the opening shots of Krzysztof Kieslowski’s Three Colors: Red. I’ve never seen a game adopt such a novel point of view, so I was captivated by 7th Sector from the beginning. Given that science fiction has long been an overly represente­d genre in video games, surprises are rare, and I considered this no small feat. That said, a couple of puzzles stopped me in my tracks and would have seriously derailed, if not outright halted, my progress if I hadn’t consulted an online walk-through.

I wouldn’t have even known where to begin with a puzzle that required calculatin­g the amount of free space available in a few containmen­t cells if I hadn’t realized I hit a bug that made an environmen­tal clue appear on screen in Russian. (Resetting the language option in the menus immediatel­y fixed the problem.) I encountere­d another bug after working through the correct solution to a simple cart puzzle that was remedied by reloading the chapter.

Although I took issue with the fiddliness of a couple of the other puzzles such as one in a chapter appropriat­ely titled Physics, where you must ferry highly insecure cargo on the back of a flying drone, I was, on the whole, impressed with the range of puzzles and different gameplay scenarios available here — especially when you consider that 7th Sector was designed by a single individual.

Sergey Noskov is one to watch.

 ?? SOMETIMES YOU ?? In 7th Sector, players become a spark that can travel through power cables.
SOMETIMES YOU In 7th Sector, players become a spark that can travel through power cables.

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