Montreal Gazette


Here are some potential solutions if you are looking for more storage

- MIKE HOLMES To find out more about Mike Holmes, visit makeitrigh­

No matter the size of your home — it always feels like space is at a premium. There are a lot of reasons why you may have outgrown your current home, but that doesn’t mean moving is an option at this time.

Maybe you’ve got a new addition on the way, or perhaps a partner just moved in with you and you’re trying to fit two homes’ worth of things into one. It’s always a challenge, but it’s not impossible to carve some much needed extra space out of your home.

Once you’ve donated the things you don’t need anymore (and we’ve all got that stuff lying around), here are a few ways to make it feel like you’ve added square footage to your home.


Kids accumulate a lot of clutter — toys, books, clothes — and it adds up. Having raised three children of my own, I found the best way to keep it from exploding around the rest of the home is to dedicate a play space for Jr.

If you don’t have an entire room to dedicate to the kids, you’re not out of luck. You can carve out a nook of your home to become a play area. If you have a breakfast nook that doesn’t see much use, it’s a good spot to centralize your play area, as it tends to be centralize­d between the kitchen and living area, which both have high traffic. This way, no matter which room you’re using, you’re not far from the kids.

Hopefully the space will already have some kind of divider to partition it off, but you can create your own with small shelving units that can double as storage for toys and books. Even pulling your sofa away from a wall can create an extra “room” that the kids can congregate in.

But let’s not kid ourselves here — you can plan a nice centralize­d area for all your kid’s toys, but you’ll still be stepping on toy bricks on your way to the bathroom in the middle of the night. It’s a fact of life.


One of the biggest space sucks in a multi-level home is that area underneath stairs. Instead of letting that space lie bare, you could build and install shelving units there to increase your storage space. This is a great opportunit­y to build a mini-library, a custom wine rack or a place to store your shoe collection.

If you’re handy, this is even a project you could tackle on your own. You’ll have to account for the amount of space underneath the staircase as well as the pitch of the stairs themselves for any upper shelves. This is a pretty inexpensiv­e weekend DIY project if you’ve got the know-how — and you don’t need an expensive, high-quality material. You can usually get away with using a plywood product.

If the basement has a moisture problem, avoid using particlebo­ard as it will really absorb that water, potentiall­y ruining your shelves.

Remember, for a job like this, where you want it to fit snugly in the frame of the stairs, the phrase measure twice, cut once has never been more appropriat­e.


Finding storage in a small bathroom is no easy feat. You’ve got your area under the sink, maybe a medicine cabinet, hopefully a niche in the shower, but in some cases, that’s it. What are a few ways you can make some extra storage space?

Floating shelves are a great way to store soaps and towels while remaining easily accessible. As long as you’ve got some empty wall space, you’ll have some room for floating shelves. If you’ve got a floating sink, without vanity storage, you can still add a floating shelf underneath the sink. This gives you the same open look you were going for with the sink, but still gives you room to store some extra supplies.

In the shower, corner shelf units can offer enough shelving to hold your cleaning products, without encroachin­g on the space you need to shower comfortabl­y. What I like about shower shelves is that they can be added during a bathroom renovation, or after the tiling process, giving you an easy storage solution.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Mike Holmes says the best way to keep toys from cluttering your home is to have a dedicated play space.
GETTY IMAGES Mike Holmes says the best way to keep toys from cluttering your home is to have a dedicated play space.
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