Montreal Gazette

Putting a price tag on brotherhoo­d


Dear Annie: Eight years ago, my brother asked me to support his network marketing work by purchasing a service. Although we weren’t interested, my wife and I signed up to support him (and he was pretty insistent). I tried the service several times but didn’t feel that it was helpful. With the downturn in the economy, and a scary time for our family, we decided to cancel. It felt right to call him, but after I started to explain, he became irate and hung up.

I want to help him, but we’ve already given $2,000 over the course of the past eight years for a service we don’t even want or use. It seems like a loyalty test. What also troubles me is the “monetizati­on” of our relationsh­ip. What to do? — Brother’s Keeper

Dear Brother’s Keeper: Support is a two-way street, and your brother isn’t following the rules of the road.

First, you subscribed to a service for eight years solely because it was important to your brother. And now, you’re distressed enough to write to me because you’re concerned that he is angry with you.

Since he doesn’t seem to have imagined your perspectiv­e on all of this, paint him a vivid picture: Let him know how you’ve interprete­d his words and actions, and the way that has made you feel. Describe what your family is going through right now.

If he keeps up the passive-aggressive texts, don’t take the bait. Delete the messages, and set it aside and out of your mind. You’ve done nothing wrong.

Dear Annie: Your column often makes a good soapbox. Please allow me to stand on it. Several times within the last two months, I was met with a shopping cart in the middle of a parking space reserved for people with physical handicaps.

It is aggravatin­g, to say the least, but more of an irritation is that the cart was probably left there by someone who had a permit for the adjoining space.

Please readers, be considerat­e of others. If you are unable to push the cart into the corral, put it between the rows of spaces or at the front of the area between spaces. Those of you who are able-bodied can be better neighbours and citizens if, when you see this situation, you move the cart out of the way.

My need for a handicap permit is only temporary. I can walk (with pain), but I can assure you that I will be more aware of these conditions after I have healed.

— Gregory S.

Dear Gregory: I’m happy to provide whatever soapbox I can to this very worthwhile message. I, for one, pledge to keep an eye out and move any shopping carts left in accessible parking spots.

Send your questions for Annie Lane to dearannie@ To find out more about Annie Lane and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonist­s, visit the Creators Syndicate website at

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