Montreal Gazette

Enjoy summer, but heed the dark clouds

Though blue skies beckon, experts warn that a second wave of COVID-19 looms


Campground­s have the green light to welcome visitors as of next week, the government announced Wednesday — the latest sign that Quebec is gradually returning to some semblance of normalcy just in time for summer.

Splash pads in Montreal were mercifully switched on to help city kids cool off during the first heat wave of the season.

Retail stores opened their doors for the first time in months Monday and eager shoppers came out in force, despite having to line up and keep their distance.

Last weekend, backyard barbecues and park meetups were allowed to resume — provided everyone keeps two metres apart and no more than 10 people from three households are present at any one gathering.

Golf courses are back in business. Tennis courts are occupied. The sun is out. The good times are ready to roll. Or so it seems.

Though blue skies beckon, they are also deceiving. There is a dark cloud on the not-so-distant horizon, and it is the second wave of COVID-19.

Preparatio­ns are already underway for Round 2 of the pandemic, Health Minister Danielle Mccann acknowledg­ed Wednesday. This means shoring up the health system, especially seniors’ centres, where there is still a critical shortage of staff. An influenza vaccinatio­n campaign is in the works, to prevent a double whammy of COVID-19 and ordinary flu infections that could overwhelm hospitals and lead to confusion about symptoms.

And medical profession­als, particular­ly nurses, must get two weeks off sometime this summer so they can rest up for a second wave, Mccann said. (Which doesn’t seem like much. Exhausted nurses were already protesting across Quebec Wednesday, saying they’ve been denied holidays or time off since March and are “dead tired.”)

Surveys sent home to parents suggest planning is taking place now for a new school year where social-distancing measures remain in place in September and classroom learning is likely to be suspended again at some point.

We are emerging from isolation, but we’re not going back to the way things were before, Quebec public health director Horacio Arruda warned for the umpteenth time.

Acknowledg­ing he may sound like a killjoy, Arruda said he understand­s people being excited to hang out with friends or go to a beach after a difficult spring of being cloistered. But we need to remain on guard. The precious privileges we have just been granted could be taken away if we fail to follow the rules of staying two metres apart, handwashin­g and mask-wearing, causing a surge of new COVID-19 cases.

“I will be the most disappoint­ed if I have to recommend to the premier that we start closing things again,” Arruda said, sounding like a permissive father offering us restless teenagers some freedom while trusting us to behave responsibl­y.

In dense Montreal, especially, the situation is improving but delicate. Community transmissi­on seems to be on the wane, even in hot zones, but Arruda said even if 10 per cent of the public starts ignoring social-distancing directives, we could undermine all the sacrifices we have made in the last 2½ months and find ourselves on the verge of reconfinem­ent.

The question is not so much if a second wave of COVID -19 is coming, but when. Until we have a vaccine or at least an effective treatment, this virus will be with us for some time and we must learn to live with it. Many experts expect the second round of the pandemic will hit sometime in the fall, perhaps coinciding with cold and flu season. But we could bring it on sooner if we throw caution to the wind and get carried away with our summer activities.

We will all be the big losers if we don’t follow public-health instructio­ns and the summer reprieve we have all been craving gets called off abruptly.

So get out there, grab a golf club, pitch a tent, call your friends. But please enjoy responsibl­y.

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