Montreal Gazette

Most CHSLDS regaining control, but military reports ‘difficult situation’


Canadian Armed Forces members stationed in Quebec’s long-term care homes witnessed staffing shortages and inadequate infection control but in a report released Wednesday the military said the situation is now under control at most centres.

The Quebec report, released on the heels of a similar, though more harrowing report in Ontario, decried poor management and critically low staffing levels, including a lack of qualified medical personnel.

Though it does not go into the kind of gruesome detail found in the Ontario report released Tuesday, the report says military personnel witnessed “difficult situations” in Quebec’s long-term care homes and will need additional psychologi­cal support. “We must collective­ly set in motion the mechanisms necessary to foster and maintain good mental health of the force,” the report noted.

The Quebec government in late April asked the military to help in stricken long-term care homes. More than 1,000 military personnel are stationed in 25 centres across the province, most in the Montreal area. The soldiers entered residences where COVID -19 outbreaks were already severe. Twenty-four of them have so far contracted the virus.

Wednesday’s report says the situation is now easing at most of the centres. Cases of COVID-19 are in decline, it says, and staff are steadily returning.

“We can all be very proud of our troops because they improved the quality of life for a large number of people and helped restore the dignity of people at the end of life,” wrote Col. T.M. Arsenault, who signed off on the report.

Most of the residences initially suffered from the same problem, according to the report: staffing shortages and workers travelling between “hot zones” with COVID-19 patients and “cold zones” where there were none, the report said, spreading the virus.

But some residences had even more serious issues. At the Vigi Mont-royal residence, for example, management exerted no control over the distributi­on of personal protective equipment (PPE). It went missing frequently. In one instance, a shipment of 20 boxes of surgical masks disappeare­d, the military reported. A shipment of medication also went missing.

Problems persist at some residences, the report says. Inexperien­ced volunteers who signed up via the Quebec government’s “Je Contribue” website occupy many of the posts, and at some centres like the CHSLD de la rive, in Laval, the majority of the staff is made up of volunteers.

At the Grace Dart centre in Montreal, not all staff respect health directives and some are absent for long periods during their shifts.

The Armed Forces lauded some centres, however, including the veteran’s hospital in Ste-anne-debellevue, for their effectiven­ess in preventing the spread of the virus. Only one resident caught the virus, but they have recovered.

Premier François Legault said the report was not a surprise. The government was already looking to address staffing shortages in the CHSLDS, he said, which have been laid bare by the pandemic.

“I know the situation is tough,” Legault told military personnel during his afternoon press conference after thanking them. “We’re happy to have you, we hope to continue to have you for months.”

Provincial opposition parties urged Legault and his government to act on the report. “(The situation) has to change. The second wave is waiting for us,” wrote Quebec Solidaire MNA Catherine Dorion in a statement.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Wednesday that the military report listed “troubling observatio­ns.” He said he would continue to offer the federal government’s support, but said the military was not a long-term solution to the problems in the long-term care homes.

Legault acknowledg­ed that the CHSLDS — the French acronym for long-term care homes — were teetering on the brink before the crisis, suffering from low staffing levels and years of neglect. The virus preys on the elderly and it has spread easily through similar residences across Canada.

The government is looking to hire 10,000 orderlies to fill a staffing void by mid-september and replace the troops and volunteers who are currently working in the long-term care homes, Legault said.

He said he asked Trudeau to allow the military to stay in Quebec’s care homes until then. In a bid to lure more people into the field, he promised to pay orderlies $21 per hour during their three-month training period and $26 per hour as a starting salary once they had completed it.

“We have a challenge in front of us,” Legault said of the difficulty of attracting people to work in longterm care homes. “It’s a rewarding job that makes a real difference in peoples’ lives so I ask you to consider it seriously.”

The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a spotlight on conditions in long-term care homes in Quebec and Ontario.

Military personnel this week reported seeing “horrible” conditions inside five Ontario long-term care homes. They reported abusive staff behaviour, insect infestatio­ns, untreated injuries and a lack of adherence to infection-control measures, among many other concerns.

More than 2,600 residents of Quebec’s CHSLDS have died as a result of the virus.

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