Montreal Gazette

Seniors’ housing and care requires a major rethink

Pandemic has put a spotlight on what’s wrong with the status quo, Janet Torge says.

- Janet Torge is founder of Radical Resthomes/les maisons solidaires.

If there hadn’t been a pandemic, most of us would continue to see long-term care facilities as an unfortunat­e inevitabil­ity if one lives too long. When you can’t take care of yourself or afford a full-time nurse, your only choice, it seems, is the Last Stop Resthome.

But COVID -19 has put a spotlight on a few things that can and should be addressed, and could serve as an impetus for some fundamenta­l rethinking of what options should exist for seniors, including those who are not fully autonomous.

First, it has become clearer than ever that caring for the elderly should not be a profit-making business. The only way you can make money off housing the elderly is to build larger and larger buildings — to get efficienci­es of scale — and to scrimp on food, services and labour. During the pandemic, we learned about under-paid, over-worked caretakers who weren’t given proper PPE and ended up walking off the job to protect themselves and their families. They are not to be blamed. The whole setup was dangerous in the first place.

Second, seniors’ homes create a completely artificial reality. Normally, people live in neighbourh­oods. You can sit on your front porch or balcony and watch all manner of people pass by: parents with their kids, young adults, older people, babies being pushed in strollers, kids on bikes and skateboard­s. In seniors residences, everyone is more or less the same age with varying degrees of fragility. There’s no sense of community diversity. No wonder many elderly feel isolated even though there are dozens, sometimes hundreds, of people around them.

Third, institutio­ns are the most expensive housing option. According to the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Quebec, the real cost for each person in a CHSLD is around $10,000 a month (2019 statistics). Of course, very few can afford that, so the government picks up all but $2,000 of the tab in most “affordable” facilities. It makes you wonder where all that money goes, given what we’re learning about the paltry wages of the staff.

As the COVID -19 death toll climbed, one imagines scores of elderly, their children and relatives wishing there had been more options when a move was being considered.

Other countries seem to be more imaginativ­e (and, dare I say, more compassion­ate) in their seniors’ housing options. In the Netherland­s, there’s Dementia Village, where people live in small houses, in a closed environmen­t, giving them freedom of movement. In Norway and Sweden, buildings are designed for all age groups, including the elderly, who can stay in their homes until they die. Both countries have moved elder care out of the hospitals and into a home-care program (like Canada, only a very small proportion of elderly actually need 24-hour care).

It’s surprising we have so few alternativ­es to institutio­nal long-term care.

Creative housing choices are showing up all over Canada: co-housing, co-living, home-sharing, multi-generation­al pairings. Where are the innovative housing ideas for the elderly?

We need to be bolder, to look around the world and put less isolating, more creative ideas on the table. We need to reconsider home care — this time seriously — not only as a way to keep the elderly in their communitie­s, but as a potential employment opportunit­y.

Changing how we think about seniors’ housing is not going to be easy. It’s going to take a monumental effort for government, developers and health profession­als to think outside the institutio­nal box. In my experience of trying to get a less traditiona­l seniors’ housing model off the ground, those groups don’t do “innovative” easily or take risks of any kind. They tend to focus on numbers and costs, a focus that has got us where we are today.

The pandemic offers us a chance to reconsider what the elderly might want and need … not merely where to put them.

It has become clearer than ever that caring for the elderly should not be a profit-making business.

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