Montreal Gazette


Hand washing’s benefits and cholera-water link are among their many discoverie­s

- Joe Schwarcz is director of Mcgill University’s Office for Science & Society ( He hosts The Dr. Joe Show on CJAD Radio 800 AM every Sunday from 3 to 4 p.m. JOE SCHWARCZ

Trying to solve the mystery of a disease involves asking basic questions about who is affected, when they are affected, how they are affected and by what they may be affected. The task of finding appropriat­e answers is in the domain of epidemiolo­gists — scientists who study the incidence, distributi­on, causes and control of diseases.

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrate­s may well be regarded as the founder of this discipline, based on his attempts to describe illnesses from a rational perspectiv­e, rather than ascribing causes to supernatur­al effects. Human ailments were not the result of vengeful gods, he maintained, and causes and treatments were best identified through careful, systematic observatio­n. Life-threatenin­g fevers were more likely to afflict people who lived in swampy areas, Hippocrate­s observed, although he failed to make the connection to mosquitoes. That link was finally made by American physician Walter Reed, but not until two millennia had passed.

The famous military hospital in Washington D.C., where for many years presidents were usually treated, was named after Reed. (It closed its doors a few years ago and now Reed’s name graces the U.S. national military medical centre in Bethesda, Md.)

Physicians should observe people’s behaviour, especially their dining and drinking habits, Hippocrate­s advised, and is therefore often credited with introducin­g the idea that diet can be both the cause and cure of disease.

The changing seasons, winds and vapours play a role in the spread of disease, he noted, and also suggested that sources of water should be considered when looking at disease patterns. He was correct, but water would not be identified as a conveyor of disease until the 19th century.

Essentiall­y then, Hippocrate­s introduced the basic concept of epidemiolo­gy, namely that the key to elucidatin­g the nature of a disease lies in the observatio­n of all possible contributi­ng factors.

Strangely enough, nobody donned Hippocrate­s’s mantle until the 17th century when Thomas Sydenham, eventually dubbed the “English Hippocrate­s,” published Observatio­nes Medicae, in which he emphasized the importance of making observatio­ns rather than relying on ancient authoritie­s. Curiously, one of those ancient authoritie­s was Hippocrate­s, who had recommende­d that fevers be treated with heat, a therapy that according to Sydenham’s observatio­ns did not work.

The English doctor noted that the rich seemed to have a higher mortality rate from smallpox than the poor and concluded that bloodletti­ng and the various toxic potions that were the treatments for smallpox at the time, and which were not accessible to the poor, were more dangerous than helpful. He also recognized the therapeuti­c value of humour, writing “the arrival of a good clown exercises a more beneficial influence upon the health of a town than of 20 asses laden with drugs.”

Sydenham was the first to use iron to treat iron-deficiency anemia, popularize­d the use of quinine to treat malaria, and promoted fresh air, exercise and a healthy diet. For pain, his solution was opium. After carefully observing its effects on his patients he concluded that “of all the remedies it has pleased almighty God to give man to relieve his suffering, none is so universal and so efficaciou­s as opium.”

Curiously, although Sydenham promoted careful observatio­n, he was not in favour of studying disease by means of autopsies, or even through the use of the recently introduced microscope. He was deeply religious and argued that God only gave man the ability to perceive the outer nature of things with his senses.

Epidemiolo­gy took on a decidedly scientific approach in the 18th century with Scottish naval surgeon James Lind tracing epidemics of scurvy among sailors to deficienci­es in the diet, and famously recommendi­ng the inclusion of citrus fruits as a preventati­ve.

Then in 1798, Edward Jenner made his classic observatio­n that milkmaids previously afflicted with cowpox did not contract smallpox. This prompted him to try to protect people from smallpox by inoculatin­g them with pus taken from cowpox pustules, marking the beginning of vaccinatio­n.

In the 19th century, epidemiolo­gy took two large leaps. Ignaz Semmelweis observed that women were more likely to die from childbed fever if, during birth, they had been assisted by a doctor rather than a midwife.

After studying many cases, he noted that the increased risk was likely from doctors unwittingl­y passing on some disease-causing substance picked up in the autopsy room. The solution? Hand washing!

John Snow, a contempora­ry of Semmelweis, investigat­ed an outbreak of cholera in London and plotted on a map the houses where the afflicted lived. He found a cluster of the disease in and around Broad Street and traced the problem to a public water pump from which people drew water. He concluded — correctly — that cholera was somehow borne by the water and suggested that the handle of the pump be removed to stop the spread of the disease.

This insight is widely regarded as a pivotal point in epidemiolo­gy and is celebrated every year in London with the John Snow Society’s Pumphandle Lecture, traditiona­lly accompanie­d by the ceremony of removing and then replacing the pump handle as a reminder of the continuing challenges to public health.

Hopefully, one day there will be a lecture on how the challenge of COVID -19 has been met.

 ?? LINDSEY PARNABY/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? A cyclist passes the Cholera monument in Sheffield, England, following an easing of the COVID-19 lockdown guidelines in the country. John Snow’s linking of a 19th century cholera outbreak in London to a public water pump was a pivotal point for epidemiolo­gy, Joe Schwarcz writes.
LINDSEY PARNABY/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES A cyclist passes the Cholera monument in Sheffield, England, following an easing of the COVID-19 lockdown guidelines in the country. John Snow’s linking of a 19th century cholera outbreak in London to a public water pump was a pivotal point for epidemiolo­gy, Joe Schwarcz writes.
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