Montreal Gazette

Calling an older woman ‘dear’ not a compliment


Dear Annie: Why do strange men call women “dear” as they get a little older?

I am in my late 60s but don’t consider myself an “old lady.” I dress reasonably — nice jeans/ pants and a cute top. My hair is not grey, and I do not look sickly.

Yes, I have a few wrinkles, but I still feel proud of my appearance.

I am not these guys’ mother, wife or sweetheart. I am a complete stranger.

I have been called “dear” by cashiers, EMTS, a male dentist and others.

Many women do not take this as a compliment. In fact, it is a little demeaning.

When I very politely mentioned this to a couple of men, I was met with silence or a look of disbelief. Hopefully, some of these guys will see your column. Thanks for letting me vent. Don’t Call Me Dear

Dear Don’t Call Me Dear: You assume that “dear” is a term reserved for elderly women, when I always thought it was a term of endearment (pardon the pun) for all ages. I see the intention being key in these circumstan­ces.

Are these speakers being courteous or condescend­ing? I’m curious to hear from other readers on this subject. When a stranger calls you “dear,” are you compliment­ed or insulted?

Dear Annie: In these days of the coronaviru­s, I have been occupied by going through some paperwork that my mother and I have saved.

We found this poem by Bruce Wilmer, which was written in 1978.

I wanted to share it with your readers because it is just as appropriat­e now as it was 42 years ago.

New Beginnings

Each chapter that is ending Leads us to a new beginning The past that we are leaving Means a future we are winning

Each change that fills the present

Sets the stage for our tomorrow

And how we meet each challenge

Helps determine joy or sorrow

In every new beginning Spirit plays a vital part We must approach tomorrow

With a strong and steady heart

So as we turn the corner Let’s all apprehensi­on shed And fill our heart with confidence

As we proceed ahead Bruce B. Wilmer (1978)

Dear Reader: Thank you for sending this poem. It is very uplifting, and, as you say, it is still timely.

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