Montreal Gazette

Big businesses face stringent conditions for federal aid



Planned obsolescen­ce is more typical in industrial design than financing — think washing machines with wear-prone mechanical components that can’t be fixed cheaply.

But the government may have designed its Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility to fail.

The long-awaited liquidity backstop for big businesses hit by the pandemic was announced by Justin Trudeau on May 11.

The government has yet to approve any applicatio­ns for credit assistance, according to the Department of Finance, which says it has no informatio­n on the number of applicants.

The suspicion is that the number of companies applying for financing through LEEFF is extremely low, given the anecdotal responses from businesses complainin­g that the interest rates on loans are too high and the conditions too restrictiv­e.

It seems entirely possible that the program was designed to be so unappealin­g that it is rarely, if ever, used.

To recap, the LEEFF offers short-term interest bearing loans to large Canadian employers with $300 million or more in revenues. The minimum size of the loan is $60 million and the interest rate payable on the unsecured portion is five per cent, increasing to eight per cent after a year (and a further two per cent each year thereafter).

Companies must accept a list of conditions — commit to minimizing loss of employment, sustain domestic business activities, comply with limits on dividends and executive pay, and agree to annual climate-related financial disclosure­s.

From the taxpayers’ perspectiv­e, the imposition of certain conditions is desirable — no one wants to provide public money to a company that immediatel­y decamps overseas or pads executive pay packets.

When Trudeau introduced the program, he said it was designed to provide bridge financing, not bailouts. “We need to support workers, not shareholde­rs through dividends,” he said.

But there are also provisions for the government body delivering the loan — the Canada Enterprise Emergency Funding Corporatio­n — to appoint an observer on the board of the borrower, and for the borrower to issue warrants giving the government the option of purchasing stock worth 15 per cent of the amount being borrowed.

Figures compiled by Reuters suggest that companies have been building war chests to safeguard their finances during COVID-19. But they have preferred to turn to corporate debt markets, rather than government programs — bond issuance jumped 22.5 per cent between January and May.

Benjamin Reitzes, Canadian rates and macro-strategist at BMO Capital Markets, said the rates and conditions attached to the LEEFF program explain its lack of activity. “The rates just don’t make sense, given what the market is currently offering,” he said. Even companies with inferior credit ratings can borrow at around 3.5 per cent.

Reitzes said short of “meaningful market strain,” it makes more sense for companies to issue corporate bonds. There are no signs of impending debt market meltdown, thanks in part to the Bank of Canada’s $5 billion a week government bond-buying program — money that the big banks then deploy elsewhere in the corporate market.

Reitzes suggested that the LEEFF program may have been designed to calm markets, rather than actually provide liquidity.

Hence, the government created a program with so many poison pills, it knew it would seldom be used.

At a meeting of the federal finance committee late last month, oil and gas executive, Adam Waterman, called the conditions a “Faustian bargain, masqueradi­ng as a payday loan with a smile.”

The president of Lloydminst­er Oilfield Technical Society said the board observer option is a “big red flag” for borrowers. “When combined with the potential for the dilution of equity conversion, it could spell that the company is signing over the entirety of the operation to the Canadian government,” he said.

Another witness, Peter Kiss, owner of Morgan Constructi­on, told the committee that the energy industry waited for months for assistance but can’t access the LEEFF capital because of the stringent restrictio­ns.

“The credit standards are too high, the interest is accelerate­d over time, which is punitive. This is not what the energy sector or Canada needs,” he said.

The tepid response from business to the government’s recovery plan is not limited to LEEFF.

The Canada Emergency Business Account, which provides interest-free loans of up to $40,000 to small businesses, has been busy — officials from Export Developmen­t Corporatio­n, which administer­s the program, told the finance committee last week that it has helped 660,000 companies and delivered $26 billion in liquidity.

But the Business Credit Availabili­ty Program, which offers guaranteed loans of between $6-80 million at commercial rates, has seen just 400 applicatio­ns.

Many businesses would prefer sector-specific initiative­s.

Daniel-robert Gooch, president of the Canadian Airports Council, said that the LEEFF program and other federal relief programs “have not been helpful” since members can access credit at more favourable rates elsewhere.

But airports have seen traffic fall 90 per cent and are using debt to support operations, which is obviously not sustainabl­e. He called on the government to extend rent relief for three to five years, until traffic recovers, and offer interest-free or low interest loans to be repaid over an extended period. The alternativ­e is likely to be large fee increases, he said.

At least in the case of the BCAP, the intent is not political.

Mairead Lavery, EDC’S chief executive, said early feedback from prospectiv­e customers suggests small business owners are reluctant to take on additional debt until they are more certain about the nature of the recovery. The BCAP program has been revamped to offer longer repayment periods, in an attempt to encourage borrowers.

As the recovery takes hold, and cash begins to run out, companies may look to use the BCAP.

But the early evidence is that the government’s liquidity programs, particular­ly LEEFF, have been badly tailored. As Canadian Chamber of Commerce president Perrin Beatty put it, “The problem with one-sizefits-all programs is that sometimes one-size-fits-none.”

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