Montreal Gazette


App to alert for exposure ready, Trudeau says


Just as Canada’s struggle against the COVID-19 pandemic passed a bleak milestone on Thursday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a made-in-canada mobile app to alert Canadians who may have been exposed to a person infected with COVID-19 is ready for testing in Ontario.

Trudeau said using the app is completely voluntary and it will not share or store any personal informatio­n, including a user’s geographic­al location.

“It will be up to individual Canadians to decide whether to download the app or not but the app will be most effective when as many people as possible have it.”

The national tally of COVID-19 cases passed 100,000 on Thursday, reached after Ontario reported 173 news cases. The mark cements Canada’s place among the 20 countries hardest-hit by the novel coronaviru­s since its global spread began just six months ago.

Medical experts say the Canadian figures highlight both successes and failures in Canada’s response to the pandemic, noting provincial and territoria­l health systems remained able to cope with the crisis despite government­s’ early reluctance to impose widespread closures and lack of preparatio­n for a robust testing regime.

“It could have been much more than that had we not implemente­d the measures we did when we did,” said Dr. Susy Hota, medical director of infection prevention and control at Toronto’s University Health Network. “We did not overwhelm the system in that initial wave that hit the country.”

Hota said the medical community was awake to the possibilit­y of a serious medical crisis ahead of the population at large, who for weeks were told that a new form of coronaviru­s originatin­g in the Chinese city of Wuhan posed a minimal to low risk to Canadians.

Early literature on the disease eventually dubbed COVID-19 sounded tentative alarm bells for doctors before the federal government launched an informatio­n blitz aimed at curbing its spread on Jan. 24, she said.

Government assurances that the disease had not reached Canadian shores had to be abandoned the next day when a Toronto man returning from a visit to Wuhan was identified as the country’s first COVID-19 patient. Three days later, another case was diagnosed in British Columbia.

The small number of cases that cropped up in those provinces over the month of February were all linked to recent travel to either China or Iran and not believed to pose an imminent health risk. Patients were urged to self-isolate at home, and public health officials began ramping up calls for proper hand hygiene.

But matters started to change in late February and early March when cases of COVID-19 began appearing in other provinces, starting with the one that would become the epicentre of Canada’s outbreak.

Quebec has recorded the highest number of cases and fatalities since its first case was announced on Feb. 27. The province’s spring break, which falls on the first week of March, has been widely cited as a root cause of the severe outbreak in that province.

Premier François Legault has said the mass exodus of residents travelling abroad came “at the worst possible time,” noting their uninhibite­d movements likely allowed the virus to proliferat­e.

Had spring break struck one week later, it would have hit at precisely the time the rest of Canada began to get seriously alarmed about COVID-19.

The World Health Organizati­on’s March 11 decision to classify the virus as a global pandemic touched off a wave of closures and emergency public health measures around the world, and it wasn’t long before Canadian officials got on board.

On March 14, the federal government urged Canadians abroad to hasten home, and the country’s top public health officer shifted the government’s message about the virus the next day amid rising cases of COVID-19 in at least five provinces.

“Our window to flatten the curve of the epidemic is narrow,” Dr. Theresa Tam said at a March 15 news conference. “We all need to act now. COVID-19 is a serious public health threat.”

One week later, most schools, offices and non-essential businesses across Canada had shut their doors, ushering in an era of self-isolation that lasted for months.

In most provinces, the lockdowns were supported by dire projection­s about the thousands of people who could die without aggressive public health measures to limit the spread of the virus.

While the numbers never reached the levels mapped out in provincial models, case numbers still mounted rapidly across most of the country. The totals were especially staggering in longterm care homes and other group-living facilities.

But while Canada’s provinces and territorie­s largely travelled the same path to pandemic-related lockdown, the road to recovery has looked markedly different from one jurisdicti­on to the next.

While Ontario continues to log more than 170 new cases a day as of Thursday, officials in B.C. declared the regional curve was flattening on April 17. And every province has mapped out its own approach on everything from returning to class to restaurant reopenings to interprovi­ncial travel.

Public health experts all agree the virus has not yet run its course in Canada, urging caution as reopening efforts ramp up across the country.

 ?? NATHAN DENETTE/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? The federal government says using the contact tracing app for COVID-19 is voluntary and it will not share or store any personal informatio­n.
NATHAN DENETTE/THE CANADIAN PRESS The federal government says using the contact tracing app for COVID-19 is voluntary and it will not share or store any personal informatio­n.

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