Montreal Gazette


Gordon-levitt soars in this taut, tense and no-frills tale of a terrorist hijacking


7500 answers the question many a nervous flyer has had — what would happen if terrorists took control of a passenger jet, and Liam Neeson WASN’T on board?

The taut, 92-minute reply is named after the 7500 “squawk code” that pilots can use to alert the ground that the flight has been hijacked. And the cramped, stress-inducing setting is the interior of the plane’s cockpit. After a brief opening montage of airport security footage, we’re locked in there with Captain Michael Lutzmann (Carlo Kitzlinger) and his co-pilot, Tobias Ellis, played by Joseph Gordon-levitt.

But you don’t put Gordon-levitt in your movie and make him the second banana. In fact, you don’t put Gordon-levitt in your movie much at all these days — aside from some cameos, voice work and TV spots; his last major role was in the 2016 biopic about Edward Snowden. Something’s going to happen to push him to the front of this story.

And it’s nice to see him front and centre in 7500, chatting with flight attendant/fiancée Gökce (Aylin Tezel), and prepping for departure alongside his colleague. This quiet interlude before the main action allows director and co-writer Patrick Vollrath to sneak in a lot of detail about the type of person Tobias is — organized, calm and easygoing. When a couple of passengers are late, he suggests a few minutes’ grace.

The film takes place in real time without being brash about it. The flight is from Berlin to Paris, which takes about an hour and three-quarters. But a few minutes after takeoff, terrorists rush the cockpit when the door is briefly unlocked. They are mostly forced back outside, with one locked in but incapacita­ted.

Still, the drama has only just started.

The remaining hijackers have the passengers (and Gökce) as hostages, and the sound of them trying to break down the cockpit door provides a staccato soundtrack to most of the rest of the movie.

It’s an acting triumph for Gordon-levitt, who turns 40 next year but seems preternatu­rally young. (The captain even remarks on this as they chat before takeoff.) Anxious, frightened and injured, his character is also sorely lacking in informatio­n — his sole window on the events taking place in the craft behind him are transmitte­d through a tiny monitor from a camera placed just outside that locked door. In many ways, he’s the audience surrogate, watching the screen but helpless to change what happens.

It’s heavy going, and the production steps up with the kind of close-quarters shaky camerawork that might induce nausea

in big-screen viewers, but works very well on a TV or laptop. And its tension is rooted in reality — it’s frightenin­gly easy to imagine the real-life equivalent of 7500, or to recall the movie version of the real-life equivalent, in Paul Greengrass’s powerful 2006 film United 93.

7500 is a much smaller film, with its cockpit-centric setting and a lack of outsized heroism. Tobias is informed early on that there is no sky marshal on his flight, and a call to the passengers over the intercom to subdue the hijackers has no immediate effect. He can do little besides plead for mercy and manoeuvre the plane to keep the attackers literally off balance, and we feel his frustratio­n at an almost visceral level.

Without giving away the ending, let’s just say that as the closing credits rolled, I let out a breath and unclenched my fists. Dramatical­ly speaking, it’s a white-knuckle landing.

 ?? AMAZON STUDIOS ?? Joseph Gordon-levitt delivers a riveting performanc­e in 7500, a slightly claustroph­obic but effective story of a hijacking in the sky.
AMAZON STUDIOS Joseph Gordon-levitt delivers a riveting performanc­e in 7500, a slightly claustroph­obic but effective story of a hijacking in the sky.

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