Montreal Gazette


Longtime CFL executive says league may need 2-3 years to recover from pandemic


The Canadian Football League’s financial recovery from the COVID -19 pandemic will take “two or three years,” according to longtime executive Rick Lelacheur.

“We’re in a survival mode. I’ve been through a ton of this in my career in the CFL and this is by far the most serious I have ever seen it,” said Lelacheur, president of the B.C. Lions and member of the player relations committee and the board of governors.

“The COVID-19 recovery plan, I look at it as a four-legged stool. There’s the league that’s going to have to address their costs, and on each team it would be both the business operations and the football operations side, and then there’s the players. Everybody is going to have to participat­e in this to make it work. I think that’s got to be the first priority.”

Put simply, the league has to reduce costs by at least 20 per cent and increase gate revenues, its lifeblood, as much as it can to offset revenue lost to the pandemic.

To that end, the CFL on Thursday issued a formal request to the CFL Players Associatio­n to begin negotiatio­ns on an amended collective bargaining agreement for 2020 and 2021. The deal expires in 2021 but the CFLPA sent the CFL a list of items they believe require bargaining in advance of a shortened season.

Player salary and benefits will be a focus and point of contention. Players who weren’t due off-season bonuses haven’t been paid since last fall, and they are suffering. But if the players are to assume a role in the league’s financial recovery, they will surely feel the pinch again before they hit the field this year or next, if there is no 2020 season.

“There are a number of things in the CBA that have financial implicatio­ns,” said Lelacheur, when asked if the league wants to cut the salary cap by 20 per cent, in line with recent team personnel pay cuts. “That’s where the open dialogue between the two parties has to take place. But at some point, the players have got to play their part. I wouldn’t say we’ve got to demand 20 per cent across the board. Maybe it’s a combinatio­n of things on all the financial implicatio­ns.”

Commission­er Randy Ambrosie announced Thursday that staff at the league office took pay cuts of at least 20 per cent in April. Lelacheur said the Lions’ senior executives took cuts of 25 per cent, even after the team took advantage of a government relief program.

Most employees at all nine teams have endured cuts, some personnel have been furloughed, others laid off. The non-player football operations cap has been reduced by 20 per cent for 2021 and that may result in fewer coaches around the league. Everyone is feeling it.

“I’ve seen lots of comments that the league and teams haven’t taken any action on their own, that they’re just trying to do it on the backs of the players, and that’s just not factual,” said Lelacheur. “It’s going to be uncomforta­ble for all of us.”

That includes the league office. “Randy would be the first to admit the CFL is one of the legs of the stool and they’re going to have to adjust their cost base,” said Lelacheur. “He’s really done a lot of things, adding things that would support the teams. Can we get more value by doing something at the league level on behalf of all nine teams, or are we better off having nine teams doing it themselves? The answer is probably both. But I think he’d be the first to admit that at the CFL office they have to also produce their share of tightening the belt, just like the rest of us.”

The league’s long-term survival is tied to the short-term financial reality brought on by COVID-19. Some estimates suggest a lost season would cost the league $100 million. But can the CFL play a shortened 2020 season and not saddle itself with unmanageab­le losses?

“Myself, I think there’s going to be significan­t losses whether we play a shortened season in our home stadiums, in a hub centre, or we don’t play at all,” said Lelacheur. “It’s going to be significan­t dollars. We’ve got (owner) David Braley, who has been a champion to the CFL for a lot of years. He has to write some pretty significan­t cheques right now because our revenues are pretty near zero. And we’ve still got a fair amount of expenses.”

A single hub city is the most likely scenario, but that requires placing nine teams in a COVID -19 bubble to ensure the safety of team personnel, players and the community. That’s expensive. And without fans, it’s potentiall­y debilitati­ng.

“We are zeroing in on a hub centre, if it will work,” said Lelacheur. “Our first priority is to make sure it’s safe for all of our employees, our players, our coaches, our training staff. And then, what are the financial implicatio­ns?

“We are getting to that in the fairly near future. I’d be hopeful we could get it looked at by the end of this month.”

 ?? JASON PAYNE ?? B.C. Lions president Rick Lelacheur says the CFL is facing a significan­t financial roadblock that requires action from all parties.
JASON PAYNE B.C. Lions president Rick Lelacheur says the CFL is facing a significan­t financial roadblock that requires action from all parties.
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