Montreal Gazette


Officials reach compromise on what they hailed as milestone 1.1T-euro deal


European leaders on Tuesday morning agreed to a vast spending plan to rescue the economies of coronaviru­s-hit countries, overcoming deep-seated divisions on the extent to which rich European Union nations commit to helping poorer ones.

The deal on a 1.1 trillion-euro EU budget and rescue package came after a marathon four days of grinding discussion­s between members of the 27-nation union.

The negotiatio­ns had been bogged down by the objections of several rich, northern countries on the scope of the fund and the strings attached to it.

But faced with the prospect of the worst economic blow since the Second World War, they hammered out a compromise. E.U. officials described it as a milestone that will shape member states and how they live with one another for years to come.

“Deal,” tweeted European Council president Charles Michel after talks that lasted through Monday night.

A draft of the final agreement earmarks 750 billion euros in loans and grants to largely be spent over the next four years. Tourism-dependent Greece, Italy and Spain are set to be the biggest beneficiar­ies, with the pandemic devastatin­g the industry.

The main disagreeme­nt between the leaders of several of self-dubbed “frugal” countries — Austria, Denmark, Finland, the Netherland­s and Sweden — and the rest of their peers was about how much money to ship to hardhit countries such as Italy and Spain and how much oversight donor countries ought to have over how the funds are spent.

In crises, the EU has typically offered loans, not grants, and demanded economic policy changes in return. The “frugals” want to keep it that way. The others do not, offering a vision that would be a small step closer to a federal European Union that more closely resembles the United States, where richer states subsidize poorer ones.

To appease them, the portion of grants in the deal was trimmed to 360 billion euros and the objectors were granted billions more in rebates from their contributi­on to the shared EU budget.

In a win for Hungary and Poland, stipulatio­ns that tied access to funds to upholding the rule of law were rolled back in the draft. Both countries have been censured by Brussels as their leaders have moved against their political opponents and stripped the independen­ce of their judiciarie­s.

French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel teamed up in May to propose 500-billion euros in grants to respond to the pandemic, with the German leader abandoning her long-held caution about handing her taxpayers’ money to poorer nations without asking for it to be repaid. Merkel called it a “one-off,” but some analysts dubbed it Europe’s “Hamiltonia­n moment” — a burst of centraliza­tion that would forever hand more power to Brussels.

“It’s an upgrading of supranatio­nal institutio­ns’ role and power. It’s really upgrading them in a very significan­t way,” said Rosa Balfour, the director of the Brussels office of the Carnegie Endowment for Internatio­nal Peace, a think tank.

The need to agree on an ambitious plan to react to the crisis drew the leaders together in person Friday, despite the risks, as they attempted the biggest and highest-level gathering of world leaders since the pandemic largely ground the world to a halt earlier this year. They had met by videoconfe­rence from their capitals, but diplomats said there is little substitute for face-to-face discussion­s to resolve sharp disagreeme­nts.

Leaders began their meetings Friday with careful adherence to social distancing rules: Many of them were masked, and they met in a vast room built to seat 330. But the masks came off as the discussion­s devolved, and leaders, ambassador­s and advisers huddled close together to examine budget figures and new formulas. Some smaller negotiatio­n sessions did take place on outdoor terraces and balconies, where the viral risk is presumably lower.

“Are the 27 leaders who are responsibl­e to the peoples of Europe capable of building European unity, of building trust?” European Council’s Michel asked leaders late Sunday during another round of negotiatio­ns that broke just before 6 a.m. Monday. “Or will we present the face of a weak Europe, undermined by mistrust, and divided?”

He noted that worldwide COVID -19 deaths had been tallied to have surpassed 600,000 on Sunday as they negotiated, according to a copy of his prepared remarks.

As she entered discussion­s on Monday, Merkel said it was clear that they would be tough. “Yet exceptiona­l situations also require extraordin­ary efforts,” she said. “We have lived up to this so far and I hope that the remaining path, which will not be easy, can still be covered.”

As tensions rose the previous evening, Macron thumped on the table and lashed out at leaders, including Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, whom he derided for leaving the meeting room to take phone calls even though leaders were speaking.

“If we don’t have the required spirit of compromise and ambition today, we risk coming back in tougher times,” Macron said before the deal was reached Monday. “It will cost us more.”

The other funds being negotiated at the meeting were loans that would address the coronaviru­s crisis as well as the Us$1.2-trillion EU budget, a spending plan that covers agricultur­al subsidies, scientific research and road repairs, among other things, that is negotiated once every seven years.

For Merkel, the plans will set her legacy. She is set to retire next year after 16 years in office and a period as undisputed­ly the most powerful leader in Europe. Her careful style has made her a deal-maker who will not be easily replaced — leading some analysts to suggest that she is trying to hand more power to Brussels to keep the balance of power after she is gone.

“It’s very unlikely there will be a deal-maker, someone who can pull all the threads together” after Merkel, Balfour said.

At the summit, the biggest disagreeme­nts were about the crisis effort. The talks slashed the amount of cash grants at play, currently about US$445 billion, and leaders haggled over how many strings would be attached to the cash. Italy, Spain and Poland would be the biggest beneficiar­ies of the plan, according to initial formulas that tied funds to their pre-pandemic unemployme­nt rate and economies.

Dutch leaders and their allies have said countries such as Italy and Spain are to blame for pre-pandemic economic difficulti­es that left them struggling to pay their way out of the current crisis. They say they do not want to send money to those countries if they have no guarantees of economic policy changes in return.

The Netherland­s wants “truly enforcing reforms in exchange for loans,” said Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on Monday. “And if loans still have to become subsidies, then these reforms must really be enforceabl­e” by allowing EU leaders to have oversight, he said.

Rutte — who faces elections next year, and whose tough stance is good politics at home — has leaned into his bad-cop approach. Opponents note that the Netherland­s has benefited enormously from being a member of the barrier-free market of the EU — including by offering low tax rates to companies that have been lured away from the countries he now derides.

“There’s so much that Europe can do, and if it benefits from giving the appearance of being strong, united and committed, then the world is watching. Its soft power will benefit,” Balfour said.

 ?? STEPHANIE LECOCQ/POOL/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, left, and European Council President Charles Michel bump elbows in Brussels following four days of grinding discussion­s in which they finally hammered out a 1.1 trillion-euro agreement Tuesday.
STEPHANIE LECOCQ/POOL/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, left, and European Council President Charles Michel bump elbows in Brussels following four days of grinding discussion­s in which they finally hammered out a 1.1 trillion-euro agreement Tuesday.

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