Montreal Gazette




1 Secretly concocted and scored. (7)

5 Lucky captain injured. (7) 9 Adore whisks or whips. (7) 10 Speaker covered by printer’s ink. (7)

11 Poetic island with priceless lodgings. (9)

12 Click with chick in flick. (5) 13 and 15 Doctors incensed; S.C.

orgy is a crime. (5,9)

17 Top not heavy enough on

vehicle. (9)

19 Polish brush. (3,2) 22 Architectu­ral style for hundreds

or less. (5)

23 Sportsman carelessly rode solo

after gate opened. (4,4)

25 Plate, or a dozen I broke. (7) 26 “Here is Spain, N.america

seems finished.” St.thomas. (7) 27 and 28The dodo expects it, since

being dispersed. (7,7)


1 Screech owl in grave, buried crying. (7) 2 and 18 Switch point or rotor at hub. (7,7) 3 Seasonal sounds of one or more tools. (5)

4 and 23 down Loose gate stung pride, so he leaves. (9,5) 5 Unfriendly sounding place. (5) 6 Craftsman will trim part if I certify it. (9)

7 Killer kept one for Ravenscrag. (7) 8 Perform or reject your musical character. (7)

14 Appointmen­t on second

ballot. (9)

16 Give a licking repeatedly at track. (2,3,4) 17 Provide water, but conceal price, say. (7)

18 See 2 down

20 Dog home. A state one. (7) 21 Country employs conjoined

studies. (7)

23 See 4 down

24 Jog around Mcgill with

jeweler’s aid. (5)

 ??  ??

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