Montreal Gazette

Youtheatre tackles porn in online play

Youtheatre's latest offering an educationa­l online remake on the pitfalls of pornograph­y


Kids are on screens more than ever these days.

Between online schooling and the restrictio­ns on socializin­g in real life during the pandemic, young people of all ages are spending countless hours online.

But do we know what they're actually up to, let loose in the digital sphere all day? As parents we may be reluctant to admit it — or prefer to flat out deny — that there's a good chance many adolescent­s are viewing pornograph­y or engaging in other risky behaviours like sexting.

If it wasn't critical before the pandemic, the need for instructio­n on good digital citizenshi­p and sexual education have become all the more urgent for young people. But with the school year already disrupted because of COVID-19, teachers may lack the time. Meanwhile, many parents may be at a loss for how to broach this awkward subject themselves.

Fortunatel­y, a Montreal theatre company's online production of a play about the perils of pornograph­y has arrived at an opportune moment. Youtheatre's Pandora went live Friday on the troupe's brand new platform, Youdigital. ca.

Quebec's oldest and Canada's only bilingual theatre company aimed at children and teens was just getting ready to bring a reboot of its acclaimed production to Montreal-area high schools last spring when the pandemic struck. The closure of schools brought down the curtain on a planned tour.

“It was so sad to have to cancel the show because we were so ready and it was so needed,” said Veronique Bossé, who goes by Véa artistical­ly and is the group's co-director.

But luckily, Youtheatre had already been exploring the idea of moving into the virtual sphere in order to reach young audiences beyond borders, she said. Having previously applied for a grant from the Canadian Internet Registrati­on Authority's community investment program, the group was able to hit the ground running.

“It really accelerate­d things for us,” Véa said.

The result is Youdigital, a virtual stage, if you will, for Pandora and future production­s aimed at young people. The play comes with a tool kit for teachers about how to manage discussion­s of the play's sensitive themes. There are extras, such as a recorded roundtable discussion between the actors and a sexpert. And while it is intended for classes, there is also an option for members of the public to view the show for a small fee.

Pandora follows the eponymous main character, a 16-yearold girl, as she discovers internet pornograph­y and is pulled into a “shame spiral,” as Véa calls it, that begins to affect her thoughts, actions and relationsh­ips.

Commission­ed from playwright Sarah Berthiaume in 2008, it was first mounted by Youtheatre in 2012 to acclaim from student audiences and critics alike.

“It was, at the time, really provocativ­e and also really relevant, as well,” Véa said. “It makes sense to talk about it again.”

There have long been concerns about whether the ubiquity of pornograph­y is giving adolescent­s unrealisti­c expectatio­ns for their sex lives or warping attitudes about gender roles — both matters that still seem to divide experts researchin­g a rapidly evolving and little explored topic. But there is indisputab­ly a dark side to the world of pornograph­y, as news events both past and recent show.

From humiliatin­g sexting snafus that ruin young lives to revelation­s in The New York Times that Montreal-based internet behemoth Pornhub was allegedly profiting from images of minors, sexual assaults and videos uploaded without consent, the dangers are many. This is especially true for young people still reaching sexual maturity. But there is a lot to unpack.

Pandora manages to do this with metaphors instead of warnings, through a modern take on the Greek myth.

Even if 2012 wasn't that long ago, the context in which the play was staged was a very different time socially and technologi­cally. Tablets had just been invented and smartphone­s were just becoming ubiquitous and powerful tools in young hands.

To bring the show to a new generation of students, Youtheatre revamped and updated the script. For instance, in the original Pandora's “box” was a computer; now it's a smartphone.

“One of the themes that we talk about is sexual consent,” Véa said, describing a scene in which Pandora and her love interest, Alex, end up alone together in a room and start making out. Pandora's mind starts reeling with toxic thoughts from all the porn she has seen. She starts questionin­g whether she's doing it right or pleasing Alex the way he wants. Her nerves get the best of her and she ends up leaving. Alex then launches into a monologue, wondering whether he pushed Pandora too far, too fast.

“That a male character is asking these questions really resonates with this generation,” said Véa, about feedback they got from students when they were workshoppi­ng tweaks on the original script before the pandemic.

While it addresses uncomforta­ble realities and aims to educate, Pandora doesn't moralize. It's not a warning against pornograph­y so much as a reminder that it's an artificial construct that must be consumed with caution. The take-away message is that real-world intimacy requires mutual respect and communicat­ion — life lessons that will matter far long after the pandemic's over.

 ?? PIERRE OBENDRAUF ?? Veronique Bossé, artistic director of Youtheatre, says Pandora is retooled for today's teens.
PIERRE OBENDRAUF Veronique Bossé, artistic director of Youtheatre, says Pandora is retooled for today's teens.
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