Montreal Gazette



BIRTHDAYST­AR: Actor Kevin Costner was born in Lynwood, Calif., on this day in 1955. This birthday star won a 1991 Best Director Oscar for “Dances with Wolves” and received a Best Actor nomination for his starring role in the film. His other film work includes “Hidden Figures,” “The Bodyguard” and “The Untouchabl­es.” He won a 2012 Emmy as Devil Anse Hatfield in the TV mini-series “Hatfields & Mccoys,” and Costner currently stars as John Dutton on “Yellowston­e.” Aries(march21-april19): Listen and learn the lesson of patience from your peer group or co-workers. You may be challenged to coexist with people who use radically different techniques. Be patient and you may be able to sidestep any misunderst­andings. Taurus(april20-may20): It may be better to make changes than to make excuses. It may also be better to sit back, observe and remind yourself to respond rather than react. Romantic ardors that may be stirred up should be tamed. Gemini(may21-june20): The facts could help you bring chaos back into order. A misunderst­anding can be swept away when you consider the realities of any given situation. A failure becomes just a lesson if you study it and learn from it. Cancer(june21-july22): The problems that pop up now could be a sign that you haven't performed sufficient due diligence. Put a lid on spending and focus on saving for something you really want.

To achieve your goals, put forth some honest effort and reap the benefits of your achievemen­ts. Learn from mistakes and examine facts closely before proceeding.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):

Careful planning can prevent future problems. Virgo(aug.23-sept.22): There may be people who don't deserve your time, energy and attention. Your aim might be to develop new friendship­s or gain acceptance in a group, but there may be a price of admission.

You may have a chance to improve your most valuable relationsh­ip by making some minor but essential changes. If you feel challenged in meeting a deadline or reaching a goal, then consider how to do it differentl­y next time. Scorpio(oct.23-nov.21):someone you meet might be a live wire. Although you don't enjoy taking chances, especially with money, you may be amused by someone willing to take risks you might not care to try. Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):Someone who seems friendly could have a


hidden agenda. Don't make a promise or a commitment for a few more days. Bypass a potential misunderst­anding with a family member that may spell trouble.


conscience is in the forefront. Watching TV, spending time with friends or engaging in a romantic rendezvous might be enticing, but you might be uncomforta­ble unless you handle responsibi­lities and routines first.

Try not to get bogged down by the weight of other people's opinions. Social interchang­es could distract you, but once momentum is built up, it can be difficult for anyone to interfere with your attentiven­ess to responsibi­lities.

There's no reason to be shy. Be confident and sincere, since your doubts are groundless. If you let yourself fade into the

Aquarius(jan.20-feb.18): Pisces(feb.19-march20):

woodwork, people might not understand how kindhearte­d you are.


idealistic nature can pop into view as the next three to four weeks unfold. A romantic interlude, an inspiratio­nal experience or a vacation can offer an escape from the harsh world. Your leadership abilities shine in March, when you can become a fearless, successful competitor. Hold your horses in May and June, when you shouldn't make major decisions or changes that involve career or money. That is a time when you might try too hard to be a savvy negotiator and end up with the wrong end of the deal. Wait until July to make crucial changes to your career or finances. This is an excellent time to expand your social network and join organizati­ons, because your friendline­ss and competence may become obvious.

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