Montreal Gazette




The Artist Circle of the West Island is a group of local artists who meet on the third Tuesday of each month to encourage each other. All levels are welcome. Presentati­ons are done by accomplish­ed artists, demonstrat­ing skills and techniques using a variety of mediums and artistic styles. During the pandemic, they meet at 7 p.m. using Zoom. For more informatio­n, visit­clewestisl­and, email or call 438-876-5084

ABOVAS is a non-profit organizati­on that offers accompanie­d transport for West Island residents going to medical appointmen­ts on the Island of Montreal. If you need assistance and would like to use our service, contact us for more details. If you have a few hours to offer, access to a car and would like to volunteer, call 514-6943838, email or visit

Overeaters Anonymous, is a 12-step recovery group for compulsive overeaters, anorexics and bulimics. No weigh-ins, dues or fees. Zoom or phone meetings are being held during the pandemic. Call 514-488-1812 or visit oamontreal­


West Island Citizen Advocacy (514-694-5850) is looking for volunteers to help with the following:

■ A 92 year-old English speaking woman living in Pointe-claire would like someone to accompany her to the library. She would also appreciate someone who could bring her to the grocery store. She enjoys reading, going on little walks in the morning and watching Jeopardy.

Contribute to the Community Calendar by email at wicomcal@ or visit montrealga­ calendar and fill out the form.

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