Montreal Gazette



BIRTHDAY STAR: Actor Trevante Rhodes was born in Ponchatoul­a, La., on this day in 1990. This birthday star has made his mark in such films as “The Predator,” “Burning Sands” and “Moonlight.” On the small screen, he portrayed Ramsey Walters on “If Loving You Is Wrong” and has appeared on “Westworld.” Next up for Rhodes will be the upcoming biographic­al drama “The United States vs. Billie Holiday.”

Aries (mar21-apr. 19): Get up and go while the going is good. Dive headfirst into difficult projects, as your added drive and enthusiasm this week could make it mere child's play. Some wellintend­ed advice may work against you.

Taurus( apr.20-may 20): Don't get caught up in the hype. You may get so wrapped up in someone's latest campaign that you completely neglect your own affairs. You may be persuaded to agree with someone because they are so sincere.

Gemini (may21-june 20): Track records speak for themselves. If you want to become a success, follow the example of those who are successful. Making do with what you have is the key to moving forward without incurring any liabilitie­s.

Cancer (june21-july 22): Aim for the stars. Throw practicali­ty to the wind and set goals that may ultimately bring you what you genuinely want. Keep in mind that some criticisms are designed to teach you and help you succeed, so don't take them personally.

Leo (July 23- Aug. 22): Shortcuts may save time. When facing deadlines, it may be necessary to eliminate a few steps to get everything done. Use your ingenuity to revise a process. You can't reinvent the wheel, but you can grease it.

Virgo( aug.23-sept. 22): Those who refuse to bend usually break. It's fine to respect the rules, but in certain situations it may be necessary to look the other way to move ahead. Demonstrat­ions of love may pop up where you least expect them.

Libra( sept.23-oct. 22.): Back to the drawing board. The answer to overcoming an obstacle may be to start over with a whole new approach. Your passion for your latest project might force you to put a personal problem on the back burner for now.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 21): If you are going to lead, you need to have a destinatio­n in mind. Your team may be productive, but without clear-cut objectives, it does you little good. Show everyone that there's light at the end of the tunnel.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Just because you've done it all on your own doesn't mean you need to keep it all to yourself. Others may appreciate whatever you have to offer, even if it's only sound advice or good humor.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 19): If you have the right tools, it's easy to right a wrong. You may be given an opportunit­y to repair a past mistake or embellish your reputation. Adoring loved ones are mesmerized by your numerous attraction­s.

Aquarius (jan.20-feb. 18): Release your tension. Your frustratio­n over unrelated current events may provide a little extra fuel with which to attack your tasks today. Making new friends could yield valuable dividends.

Pisces (feb.19-mar. 20): Monkey see, monkey do. Try to provide a suitable example, as those around you may be trying to emulate what you do. Your opinion may have a much greater influence over your inner circle than you realize.

if february 10 is your birthday: Your competitiv­e juices could be stirred during the upcoming two to three weeks when you encounter new people vying for top honors. Take advantage of helpful opportunit­ies that knock on your door in March, when people may recognize your leadership abilities or just offer a helping hand. You have worked incredibly hard to get where you are, so you deserve rewards as well as extra attention. Put your most important plans and changes into motion while you have the advantage. Your biggest challenges might occur in late June, when your business sense is at a low point. Take a vacation in July so that you immerse yourself in fantasies and can relax without guilt.

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