Montreal Gazette

Earth Matters


Your Earth is the ground you stand on. Your school, house, community and roads are built on Earth. You swim in the Earth’s oceans. You drink Earth’s waters. You eat Earth’s plants. You breathe Earth’s air. Earth is where you live. Earth is home.

Many people around the world will be celebratin­g Earth Day on or around April 22. The purpose of the day is to call attention to the Earth and its many wonders and problems.

This year, the theme of Earth Day is Restore Our Earth. Many organizati­ons and individual­s will focus on three days of climate action on April 20-22.

Kids matter, too

What can kids do to help restore our Earth? We’ve gathered some ideas to help you do your part.

1. Ask your family to unsubscrib­e from catalogs that come in the mail to save trees. They can check out catalogcho­

2. Look into volunteeri­ng for the Great Global Cleanup (cleanup.

3. Study how much you use singleuse plastic (items like disposable water bottles, disposable cups, plastic dinner ware, etc.). Try to use reusable water bottles and silverware instead. Talk to your school principal about switching to reusable items in the cafeteria.

4. Suggest that your family carry reusable bags in the car for groceries and other items you buy.

5. While you’re at the grocery store, choose items that came from nearby sources, such as local farms or orchards. Or shop at farmers markets nearby.

6. Gather your family for a litter pickup day. Litter spoils how things look, but it’s also harmful to people, animals and the environmen­t.

7. Think about planting one or more trees. Trees help reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, provide fruits and flowers, and give birds and small animals a place to live.

8. Walk or ride your bike whenever you can, rather than having someone drive you. Most cars burn gasoline, which adds to air pollution.

9. Turn off the water while you brush your teeth, and take showers instead of baths to save water.

10. Help your family gather up clothes, toys and other items you no longer use to be donated rather than thrown away. Many products have years of use left in them!

 ??  ?? Mini Fact:
Scientists estimate there is about 80,000 metric tons of trash in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Mini Fact: Scientists estimate there is about 80,000 metric tons of trash in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
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