Montreal Gazette

Potential move has wife fearing worst


Dear Annie: I've been very happily married for several years to a man I love deeply. Suddenly, his son from a previous marriage, who lives in another state, wants Dad to move to his state to be close to him, as he and his wife are planning a family. His son and I have never been close.

My husband has a major client — a very attractive woman, whom he talks to online several times a week — in his son's city. After doing some “homework,” I discovered the state we would be moving to is not a community property state ... which our state is. My husband has all the money in this marriage, as I left my career behind to tend to his business, home and family, and his son gets everything that I won't in the event of a death or divorce.

Being married, do I have any recourse, such as a post-marriage “pre-nup,” to make sure I'm OK financiall­y if we move and my stepson and this businesswo­man break us up?

Worried in Wyoming

Dear Worried: You say you are “very happily married” to a man you “love deeply.” Why would a female client or a son who wants his children to know their grandfathe­r change that?

By assuming the worst, you may be causing yourself undue anxiety. The first thing you should do is communicat­e with your husband about where these fears are coming from — perhaps they are being triggered by anxiety about the move itself and the life changes that surround it.

If you are genuinely concerned about your assets in the event of a divorce, consult an attorney.

Dear Annie: My girlfriend and I met about two years ago. She has two kids, ages three and six. I have older kids, 15 and 16. She's a “helicopter parent” who wants to micromanag­e everything her kids do.

Well, when it comes to my kids, she wants to scrutinize everything they do, too. She says she doesn't agree with my parenting and basically calls me a crappy parent when I don't do things her way.

She also thinks that it is a requiremen­t for my kids to speak to her, even if they are busy or having a bad day. She will text my kids and say mean things to them and even drag their mom into it.

My girlfriend has caused so many issues that my kids don't even want her around. What do I do?

Confused From Indiana

Dear Confused: It's time for you to set some boundaries with your girlfriend. Micromanag­ing is one thing; insulting your kids via text and offending their mother are quite another. Talk to your girlfriend about what is appropriat­e and what isn't.

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