Montreal Gazette

Copyright lawsuits are ruining pop music

Is it time to look at the laws to establish some fundamenta­ls of songwritin­g?


Ed Sheeran and Dua Lipa stand accused of stealing other people's songs. These are depicted as David-versus- Goliath battles, pitting small-time talents against entertainm­ent giants. So why are my sympathies in these cases almost entirely on the side of Goliath?

Sheeran has been in the court quite passionate­ly denying he stole a hook for his 2017 multi-billion streaming hit Shape of You from an obscure 2015 track Oh My by a British rap singer named Sami Switch, who has, at last count, fewer than 45,000 monthly listeners on Spotify.

Pop dynamo Dua Lipa, meanwhile, is the subject of two separate lawsuits over her 2020 global smash Levitating. Florida reggae band Artikal Sound System have accused her of replicatin­g the backing of their 2017 song, Live Your Life, which was never a hit, and has had very little traction online.

And veteran songwriter­s L Russell Brown and Sandy Linzer have said Lipa has “duplicated” the melodies of two of their Latin-flavoured songs, Wiggle and Giggle All Night by Cory Daye (released in 1979) and Don Diablo by Miguel Bose (a minor Latin hit in 1980).

You don't need to be a musicologi­st to hear the similariti­es that have triggered these accusation­s. And given that music licensing body PRS for Music has held back more than $30 million in publishing and performanc­e royalties from Shape of You until the case is settled, you don't need to be a lawyer to understand why plagiarize­d artists might want their day in court.

Presumably, the courts will decide these cases on their merits. But I question the musical ecosystem that has led to these cases in the first place, confirming the venerable music-business adage: “Where there's a hit, there's a writ.”

In the case of Shape of You, it all centres on a brief but repeated melodic snippet in which Switch sings “Why oh why oh why oh why” and Sheeran sings “I oh I oh I oh.”

Sheeran's defence (and I think it's a good one) is that he had never heard of Switch, and therefore any similarity is entirely coincident­al. Much has been made of the fact that he settled a multi-million lawsuit on his 2015 song Photograph, brought by the composers of an earlier song, Amazing, performed by X Factor winner Matt Cardle.

There are only 12 notes in a scale, and there are strongly establishe­d formats for chord sequences and song patterns. Songwriter­s are constantly mimicking, repeating and building on what other songwriter­s have done, sometimes consciousl­y, often subconscio­usly. As that great rock 'n' roll sage Keith Richards once said: “There's only one song, and Adam and Eve wrote it. The rest is variation.”

But with the era of recorded music, that process of influence and adaptation has become a copyright minefield. Chuck Berry adapted blues forms to write his rock 'n' roll songs, the Beatles riffed on Chuck Berry to create a new pop template and every songwriter since has been influenced by the Beatles.

In a sense, this is the very essence of pop music, a form that repeats itself and eats itself, with every new innovation in sound and rhythm becoming the basis for myriad other pop songs. And today, in the age of streaming, with more than 50 million songs on Spotify, it would seem a near impossibil­ity for any new song not to remind a listener of something they have heard before. It is one of the reasons why song credits are getting so ridiculous­ly expansive.

There are 11 songwriter­s credited on Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars's 2014 hit Uptown Funk, including the whole of veteran disco outfit the Gap Band, whose publishers asserted similarity to their 1979 hit Oops Upside Your Head. Yet there were only three people in the room when the song was written and recorded.

So is it time to call an amnesty on songcraft? Might we even need to re-examine copyright laws to establish some fundamenta­ls of songwritin­g that are essential building blocks available to every creator, and halt what appears to be a growing trend to sort out credits in court?

Otherwise, musicians are going to have to start heeding the wise advice of Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath: “Learn how to play two chords and then get yourself a lawyer before learning the third.”

 ?? ?? Dua Lipa
Dua Lipa

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