Montreal Gazette



MONDAY, MAY 2, 2022 Birthday star: actor matt berry was born in Bromham, England, on this day in 1974. This birthday star portrays Laszlo on “What We Do in the Shadows” and Steven Toast on “Toast of the Town,” a role he also played on “Toast of London.” He also voices the role of 8D8 on “The Book of Boba Fett.” Berry's film work includes roles in “An Evening with Beverly Luff Linn,” “Christophe­r Robin” and “Snow White and the Huntsman.”

Aries (march21-april19): You should be acknowledg­ed as fair and generous, without being seen as a pushover. Explain something clearly to others and apply the same precision when considerin­g a purchase.

Taurus (april20-may20): Be flexible rather than brittle around changes. Someone could change their mind and expect you to accept that change without reservatio­n. Be willing to give in to the choices of loved ones and understand new viewpoints.

Gemini (may21-june20): Wait to dwell on your romantic fantasies and daydreams after business hours. Remain anchored to reality by handling the tasks and responsibi­lities of home and family.

Cancer (june21-july22): changing conditions may spin you around until you are headed in the wrong direction. You can succeed when you set your mind on achieving a goal, but you might feel uncomforta­ble with someone's obscure tactics.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): You might feel wired directly into the world's trends. A partner or loved one, however, may be unrealisti­c or disapprove of your ideas. Enlist the support of friends so that a disagreeme­nt stops pulling you in opposite directions.

Virgo (aug.23-sept.22): Your waking moments may be filled with interestin­g conversati­ons and friendly exchanges. Your dreams could hold even more memorable treasures. Someone's kindness can set an example of generosity and empathy.

Libra (sept.23-oct.22): It may become obvious that you must change tactics if you hope to achieve your dreams. A previous commitment might prevent you from breaking with the past now.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):Unrealisti­c projects and ideas should be abandoned before they prove troublesom­e. Unexpected events or the actions of unpredicta­ble people could command your attention — think it all through before you act.

Sagittariu­s (nov.22-dec.21): amorous activities may be at the top of your “to do” list. Apologies and forgivenes­s can make a relationsh­ip run more smoothly. Mixed messaging may require rethinking your schedule and priorities.

Capricorn (dec.22-jan.19): If no one else is willing to help, step in and take charge. You can be a powerhouse at handling projects that require physical strength or leadership skills. Carefully navigate any gossip.

Aquarius (jan.20-feb.18): an

unexpected event could become a wake-up call. You may be too idealistic to care about rules and policies that your friends live by. Find tactics to cooperate with others.

Pisces (feb.19-march20): You may want to sleepwalk past problems. Down-to-earth policies and practical strategies may seem to clash with your wishes and dreams. Your heart may be drawn toward quiet, but the real world may need your attention.

if may 2 is your birthday: A competitiv­e attitude will help you get ahead in the business world through the upcoming two to three weeks. Your friendly manner could attract new acquaintan­ces in June when social networking can be successful and result in numerous invitation­s. Easygoing and fun group gatherings can be on your calendar in July when you may feel competitiv­e and in the mood to enjoy physical activities and outdoor sports. Late July and the first half of August is the worst time for a vacation or to launch important projects since your judgment may be off base and you may incur liabilitie­s. A vacation planned for late August, however, could cross something off your bucket list. The best time to launch business plans and make key decisions about your finances is late October when your astute observatio­ns can pay off.

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