Montreal Gazette


Knock at the Cabin proves that boredom can be scarier than apocalypti­c threats


Sorry to have to take a knock at this Cabin, but M. Night Shyamalan's latest is mediocre and missable — not especially scary, less thought-provoking than it wants to be, and pretty much devoid of anything that might qualify as a “twist.”

Of course, that last concern has followed the writer-director — unfairly, many would say — since his breakout hit The Sixth Sense in 1999. So let's leave aside the criticism that if you've seen the trailers, you've basically seen the movie, and focus on the film's other pros and cons.

On the plus side is Dave Bautista as Leonard, a gentle giant who approaches seven-year-old Wen (Kristen Cui) outside the cabin where she and her two

dads (Jonathan Groff as Eric, Ben Aldridge as Andrew) are enjoying a peaceful rural vacation — with no cellphone service, of course. He emits a palpable mix of mildness and menace as he first befriends Wen and then calmly explains to her adoptive parents that he and his three associates (less memorable turns by Rupert Grint, Nikki Amuka-bird and Abby Quinn) have been led to this location by visions of an impending apocalypse.

Naturalist­ic dialogue has never been Shyamalan's strong suit, but in this case the somewhat stilted lines are a good match for Bautista's chosen style of delivery. Calmly, like the second-grade teacher he claims to be in his non-apocalypti­c life, he tells the nuclear family that one of their particles must be sacrificed, or else the whole world will go boom.

In these enlightene­d days, of course, no one believes a word of it, although Eric seems slightly more willing to consider the concept.

Then again, he also suffered a concussion during the initial break-in by Leonard and his gang, who are otherwise extremely hospitable — after all, their visions told them that Eric, Andrew and Wen must be judge, jury and executione­r in order to stave off the end of times.

So we're in for a long, leaden stretch of medium-grade tension, as Leonard tries to convince the couple of the truth of his visions, and they duly resist. It doesn't help that their initial thought is that they've been targeted by a homophobic group intent on changing and/or harming them.

News on the cabin's TV seems to back up Leonard's claims, as various calamities are seen engulfing the world. This happens only from time to time, however; it's as though disaster-master Roland Emmerich had embraced the slow-food philosophy while making one of his end-of-the-world pictures.

Knock at the Cabin is based on Paul Tremblay's 2018 novel The Cabin at the End of the World, which has (A) a better title and (B) an actual twist that's been lost in the adaptation. And while the film sidles up to its religious imagery — four horsemen minus the horses, for instance — it shies away from any direct (and interestin­g) engagement with God, faith, what-have-you.

I am curious now to read the novel. As to the movie: Knock Knock. Orange. Orange you glad I warned you away from this one?

 ?? UNIVERSAL PICTURES ?? Nikki Amuka-bird, Rupert Grint, Dave Bautista and Abby Quinn star in M. Night Shyamalan's latest, Knock at the Cabin, which is based on Paul Tremblay's 2018 novel The Cabin at the End of the World. It's an ostensibly scary film that forgot its mandate to be, uh, scary.
UNIVERSAL PICTURES Nikki Amuka-bird, Rupert Grint, Dave Bautista and Abby Quinn star in M. Night Shyamalan's latest, Knock at the Cabin, which is based on Paul Tremblay's 2018 novel The Cabin at the End of the World. It's an ostensibly scary film that forgot its mandate to be, uh, scary.

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