Montreal Gazette

PQ leader declines televised immigratio­n debate with MNA


Parti Québécois Leader Paul Stpierre Plamondon has declined a challenge to engage in a one-onone televised debate on the issue of immigratio­n with Québec solidaire MNA Guillaume Cliche-rivard.

“If a television network invites the five (party) leaders to explain their position on immigratio­n and debate it, it would be a pleasure for Paul to be there,” PQ communicat­ions director Louis Lyonnais said in a written statement. “Paul received a similar request for a oneon-one debate a month ago from (Conservati­ve Party of Quebec Leader) Éric Duhaime. With four MNAS, our leader is not at the service of the other opposition parties who want to express themselves. … (His conversati­on) is with (Premier) François Legault.”

After arguing online with the PQ leader over immigratio­n, Cliche-rivard invited St-pierre Plamondon to a televised debate on the matter.

“We can continue to debate by text, but I think Quebecers deserve to hear us speak. The PQ leader has said repeatedly that it is healthy to debate and engage in exchange. That's why I'm inviting him to formally debate immigratio­n in a televised debate,” the QS MNA wrote in a statement.

Cliche-rivard complained the PQ leader had not addressed his question: “Who do we exclude if we drasticall­y reduce immigratio­n to Quebec? The foreign students who contribute to making Quebec a centre of teaching and research? The farm workers who work to feed Quebec? The caregivers in our health system? The workers assembling wind power plants in the Gaspé?”

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