Montreal Gazette

QS tries to sell sovereignt­y to a new generation


Québec solidaire on Friday launched a campaign titled Nouveau Québec, an initiative aimed at convincing a new generation of Quebecers to embrace sovereignt­y.

The campaign is being led by Ruba Ghazal, QS MNA for the riding of Mercier. She says as a Quebecer of Palestinia­n origin, she understand­s what it feels like to be uprooted and see her language and culture threatened. She wants to convey the love of French and Quebec culture, she adds.

A Léger poll conducted at the beginning of the month found support for sovereignt­y standing at about 35 per cent. The sovereignt­ist Parti Québécois polls at 32 per cent, the ruling Coalition Avenir Québec is at 25 per cent, QS ranks third at 16 per cent and the Quebec Liberals are at 15 per cent.

QS contends the road to independen­ce will be built by convincing young people who experience­d neither the 1980 nor 1995 referendum­s to back sovereignt­y.

Ghazal says Quebec cannot afford to lose a third referendum, which makes it necessary to convince a new generation.

QS co-spokespers­on Émilise Lessard-therrien will also participat­e in the Nouveau Québec campaign. In her opinion, the sovereignt­ist option is liberating and will resonate with a generation that grew up in a Quebec without a major social vision. For Lessard-therrien, Quebec independen­ce is the keystone for action on all fronts, including social justice, the environmen­t and self-determinat­ion.

QS intends to broadcast its stance on independen­ce on the Nouveau Québec website as well as campaign on the ground at public events and conference­s.

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