Montreal Gazette

Baldwin cuts East Hampton home price


How far is Alec Baldwin willing to go in order to sell his East Hampton home? Pretty far, it seems. The actor has been trying to off-load the property since 2022. He originally priced it at US$29 million, and he's slashed the price several times since then.

He recently relisted it for just under $19 million. And to further woo buyers, Baldwin filmed a Youtube video praising the community in Amagansett, N.Y., as well as his home at 335 Town Lane. The video, which has reached 104,000 views, is published on the account page for brokerage firm Saunders & Associates.

The video shows Baldwin walking down a shoreline and in various locations as he talks about homes he's rented and bought in the area over the years.

Standing in front of his current five-bedroom, 10,000-square-foot farmhouse, he reveals that he loved it at first sight.

“I bought this house back in 1995,” he says. “I put this addition on the eastern side of the property in 1996, and my wife Hilaria and I built this addition on the western side of the property in 2014.”

Baldwin also emphasizes the size of the 10-acre property, which he originally bought for $1.45 million, and the privacy it affords.

“I love coming here,” he says. “I'm always happiest when I come here, especially this time of the year.

“I love it in the wintertime because its so peaceful.”

Real estate experts are divided about Baldwin's promotiona­l video — it's an unconventi­onal move for a celebrity. Plus, the actor made headlines in 2021, when he discharged a live round from a prop gun on the set of the movie Rust, resulting in the death of cinematogr­apher Halyna Hutchins. On Jan. 31, he entered a not guilty plea to involuntar­y manslaught­er.

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