Montreal Gazette

Plante has become CAQ'S new bogeyman


Several members of the Coalition Avenir Québec government lit into Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante Thursday — and laid it on thick.

French Language Minister Jean-françois Roberge accused Plante of not being a strong enough “ally” when it comes to protecting French.

“Montreal is the francophon­e metropolis of North America. This has to be more than a slogan,” Roberge fumed.

“When the mayor positions herself as the defender of the rights of non-quebecers to study in Montreal, I say, `Non merci, no thanks,' as she said in English.”

A pair of CAQ backbenche­rs arriving for question period also joined the pile-on, asking the assembled reporters if they could comment, according to La Presse, because Plante's comments were so “unacceptab­le.”

“Does Valérie Plante want to put up a wall to ensure Montreal's anglicizat­ion within five to 10 years?” huffed Valérie Schmaltz, a CAQ MNA from Laval's Vimont riding.

“There's not Valérie Plante's Quebec and the rest of Quebec,” griped Stéphanie Lachance, the MNA from Bellechass­e, outside Quebec City.

“I want us to protect French from one end to the other, from the Ottawa River to the Magdalen Islands.”

After unleashing his attack dogs, Premier François Legault characteri­zed Plante's remarks as “sad.”

“I don't understand why Valérie Plante or Denis Coderre don't want to defend French in Montreal,” Legault said later during a scrum (one of multiple times he mentioned the former mayor, who is now considerin­g a run for the Quebec Liberal Party leadership and polling well).

This over-the-top backlash came a day after Plante sharpened her condemnati­on of the CAQ government's tuition hike for out-of-province students, saying it “directly attacks Montreal” by underminin­g enrolment at the city's two English universiti­es.

Her remarks followed an expert committee on higher education telling the Legault government in a report that upping fees to $12,000 from $9,000 is “unjustifie­d, and risks compromisi­ng access to quality education and depriving society of potential talent.”

The CAQ is choosing to ignore the advice.

The committee is just the latest voice challengin­g the move, which has been denounced by most French universiti­es, students and the business community.

With the CAQ government on the defensive over a damaging and indefensib­le policy, Legault pulled out his dog-eared playbook: He doubled down on a bad decision and attempted to whip up resentment toward Montreal.

Only this time, Plante was the foil.

Plante and Legault have always been a political odd couple, with different visions, agendas and styles. They've had disputes often since she broke the glass ceiling at city hall in 2017 and he led the CAQ to a breakthrou­gh victory a year later that overturned the old sovereignt­ist-federalist dichotomy. They've differed on investment­s in public transit, funding for social housing and money to cope with a changing climate — among many issues. But they've mostly gritted their teeth and played nice.

Never before has a war of words erupted between Plante and Legault where the criticism has been this barbed, the salvo so personal.

Plante said Friday she was “surprised” by the co-ordinated rebuke.

It's a sign of Legault's desperatio­n as the Parti Québécois continues to rise in the polls and Coderre's potential candidacy has given the Quebec Liberals a bump. Meanwhile, cocktailga­te — the growing political financing scandal Legault disdainful­ly dismissed as “mudslingin­g” — flared back up when the grieving parents of a woman killed by a drunk driver told a committee hearing on road safety they were encouraged to donate $100 each for “two minutes” with Transport Minister Geneviève Guilbault at a CAQ fundraiser.

Meanwhile, environmen­talists are up in arms over the lack of consultati­on surroundin­g the Northvolt electric battery plant the CAQ government lured to Quebec to grow the green economy, prompting paternalis­tic Legault to chide: “We have to change our attitude in Quebec.” Or change the bogeyman. Enter Plante, who merely suggested the government follow its own experts' advice. She lamented that the plan to raise tuition for students from other provinces by 33 per cent not only harms enrolment at Mcgill and Concordia, but hurts Montreal. It will put a damper on the vitality of downtown, erode Montreal's status as one of the world's best cities for students, undermine the economy and make it more difficult to attract top talent. You know, the kinds of things a mayor — and a premier, for that matter — should be concerned about.

This isn't mere speculatio­n. A Conference Board of Canada report projects Montreal's economic growth will decline for the third straight year in 2024, the worst performanc­e among 13 cities. It warns the tuition hike will make the “rocky ride” rockier.

For daring to stand up for Montreal, Plante was branded by Caqists as anti-french — among the worst epithets in the nationalis­t script.

The thing is, Plante wasn't questionin­g the need to protect the language — a laudable objective — ensure graduates of English universiti­es learn French, or bolster francophon­e universiti­es.

She simply asked: “Do we have to penalize anglophone universiti­es for that? My answer is: No thanks.”

Roberge threw Plante's words back in her face. One can easily do the same with all the scorn emanating from the CAQ.

Maybe Legault should try to be an “ally” to Montreal for once. Instead of sacrificin­g the city's interests for political gain or to hold its power in check, he should try to harness the vast energy and diversity of the metropolis — maybe even express a little pride.

The Legault government is the one building “a wall” around Quebec, making students from the rest of Canada feel unwelcome, curtailing the rights of minorities, and isolating Montreal politicall­y.

What's “unacceptab­le” is attacking English institutio­ns — and then ganging up on Montreal's mayor, who fears the fallout on her city.

If Legault thinks it's time to “change our attitude in Quebec,” he should start by looking in the mirror.

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 ?? PIERRE OBENDRAUF/FILES ?? François Legault and Valérie Plante smile for the cameras in 2018. The premier and mayor have always been a political odd couple, but have mostly played nice. Never before has a war of words erupted between them like the debate sparked by tuition hikes, Allison Hanes writes.
PIERRE OBENDRAUF/FILES François Legault and Valérie Plante smile for the cameras in 2018. The premier and mayor have always been a political odd couple, but have mostly played nice. Never before has a war of words erupted between them like the debate sparked by tuition hikes, Allison Hanes writes.

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