Montreal Gazette

Teen's 2000 murder not planned, trial told


The lawyer for a Quebec man charged with the first-degree murder and sexual assault of a 19-yearold CEGEP student in 2000 told a jury her client admits to killing the student, but he denies the act was planned.

Lawyer Karine Poliquin also said in her closing arguments on Wednesday that if any sexual contact took place, it happened after Guylaine Potvin had already died.

“We submit to you that the evidence supports a reasonable and more plausible alternativ­e of second-degree murder,” Poliquin said.

The argument was made Wednesday during closing arguments in the trial of Marc-andré Grenon, who is charged with murdering and assaulting Potvin in her basement apartment in April 2000 in Jonquière, now a part of Saguenay.

The Criminal Code of Canada defines first-degree murder as “planned and deliberate,” however a murder is also first-degree if it occurs in the course of a sexual assault. A first-degree murder conviction would mean a life sentence without possibilit­y of parole for 25 years, versus potential parole after 10 years for second-degree murder.

Poliquin, who did not call any witnesses during the trial, said Grenon broke into the apartment planning to commit a burglary and killed Potvin during a physical altercatio­n.

She noted that Grenon could not have known whether Potvin would be alone in her apartment because she lived with roommates. She said he walked by a kitchen with knives in it, without taking one, and there's no evidence he brought weapons or tools — such as rope — to carry out a planned assault.

Prosecutor Pierre-alexandre Bernard said in his closing arguments earlier there was no evidence of a struggle elsewhere in the apartment, which pointed to Potvin being attacked as she slept, rather than having surprised an intruder during a botched robbery attempt.

Justice François Huot will deliver on Monday his final instructio­ns to the jury.

 ?? ?? Guylaine Potvin
Guylaine Potvin

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