Montreal Gazette

Shots fired at ambush survivor's restaurant


A restaurant owned by a man who was shot in Laval on Feb. 9 was damaged by gunshots early Wednesday morning.

The man survived the Feb. 9 mid-afternoon shooting despite several shots being fired into the Mercedes sport utility vehicle in which he was seated, outside a restaurant on de l'avenir Blvd., near St-martin Blvd. W. He suffered non-life-threatenin­g injuries.

No one has been charged in the shooting, but on Wednesday Laval police arrested a 27-year-old man after shots were fired into the door of a different restaurant in the city's Ste-dorothée district. According to Quebec's business registry, the victim of the Feb. 9 shooting is part owner of the restaurant. He is also the owner of a used car business based in Lachine.

According to a court document obtained by the Montreal Gazette, the man was recently investigat­ed by police as part of a probe into an extensive network of car thieves. Leaders of the network are alleged to have worked with the South Shore businessma­n and his company in Lachine to get stolen cars packed in containers through the Port of Montreal. The same document lists the names of several other business owners as having alleged ties to the car thieves.

The man was not charged in the stolen car investigat­ion and he does not have a criminal record.

In Wednesday's incident, Laval police said officers on patrol on Highway 13 at around 3 a.m. spotted a man running in the parking lot of businesses. Upon investigat­ion, they found bullet holes in the door of the restaurant. The suspect was arrested and charged with dischargin­g a firearm and mischief.

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