Montreal Gazette


We question how they can balance the concerns of commuters with the needs of the unhoused

- Clare Mcgall, Danielle Duncan, Valerie Jeanneret and Holly Arscott are master of science in public health (MSCPH) students at Mcgill University.

Among the crowds at métro stations, you may have recently noted several people wearing distinctiv­e blue shirts. Neither special constables nor métro operators, these individual­s are known as “safety ambassador­s.” They're part of a Société de transport de Montréal (STM) program launched on Jan. 25. Trained to provide customer assistance and relay safety issues to security, the safety ambassador­s aim to address the growing unease of station-users. But exactly who among the station-users are they prioritizi­ng?

As students in the master of science in public health program at Mcgill University, we are concerned the STM'S new safety efforts will create further harm to unhoused station-users during a housing and opioid crisis.

A 2021 report found that nearly 40 per cent of tickets issued in recent years by STM special constables were to unhoused people. Not only does ticketing discourage the existence of unhoused people in and around the stations, but the financial penalties sink these groups further into poverty.

By adding more eyes and ears to métro stations, we will inevitably see an increase in interactio­ns between vulnerable people and security personnel. Unlike police, these safety ambassador­s cannot issue tickets and are trained to “check in” with vulnerable people. However, they will call for police support if the situation is beyond their capacity. Even if most checkins do not end with police interventi­on, every additional interactio­n that leads to ticketing or arrest is another opportunit­y for harm.

These safety ambassador­s are only one element in the STM'S approach. They've also hired social workers to respond to specific crises in collaborat­ion with the ambassador­s and special constables. While we welcome the involvemen­t of social workers, these mixed squads adhere to the same objective of protecting fare revenue and the interests of métro users. Recent research shows that these mixed squads interfere with the operations of street outreach groups not affiliated with the STM. Once unhoused individual­s have been exposed to law enforcemen­t in support settings, it becomes a challenge to separate the feeling of being watched from the feeling of being helped. As a result, these community organizati­ons noted a drop in trust with their staff and reduced engagement in their services.

Finally, we question how the safety ambassador­s can balance the concerns of commuters with the needs of the unhoused. Ideally, individual­s who are unhoused will seek help through a shelter where permanent housing, counsellin­g and support are provided. Instead, many shelters are resource-strapped and must turn people away, particular­ly in the winter months. Without a warm, safe space to rest, the métro remains the only place for refuge.

What happens if a commuter complains to safety ambassador­s about a person using drugs in the station? Based on the program's descriptio­n, these ambassador­s can direct people to social support services. But where else can they be referred to beyond what already exists and is deemed over-capacitate­d or unsafe? With all other options exhausted, these individual­s will likely be directed to leave the station.

The STM described its plan as a necessary tool for adapting to the social realities brought on by the pandemic. However, what is needed are solutions, not adaptation. If the STM is invested in improving métro safety, it should take action to improve the welfare of the most atrisk station-users. It should evaluate the impact of the new program on perception­s of safety — not just for commuters, but for those who are using the station as shelter.

Beyond the STM, resources should be funnelled back into the community to invest in safe, stable and permanent housing and addictions care to reduce the number of vulnerable people forced to rest in métro stations.

Until we prioritize the needs of these marginaliz­ed communitie­s, we will never achieve safety in the stations.

 ?? JOHN MAHONEY FILES ?? A group of students in Mcgill's master of science in public health program is urging the STM to evaluate the impact of its new ambassador program on perception­s of safety — not just for commuters, but for those who use the métro as shelter.
JOHN MAHONEY FILES A group of students in Mcgill's master of science in public health program is urging the STM to evaluate the impact of its new ambassador program on perception­s of safety — not just for commuters, but for those who use the métro as shelter.

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