Moose Jaw

Just a Number


Francesca Battistell­i sings a song, “He Knows My Name.” As Lil Sweet Pea and I made our way to school this frosty morning, we were singing along with it ...And then I began to receive a clearer picture of what that really meant. I began to pray for my own little family and extended family and as we do every morning, for this region. The Lord reminded me that not only does He know how many hairs are on our head (does that include facial hair and eyebrows, I wonder?), He actually knows our name and even deeper than that... he knows the thoughts and intents of our heart. Although we may shrink back at the vulnerabil­ity of this revelation, we should instead be comforted and assured that He knows everything (I mean EVERYTHING) that is going on in our world. I think we’ve all been there ...felt faceless in a crowd. Or just a number. Interestin­g how in a crowd of people we can feel all alone. Unimportan­t. Self-pity would want us to think that. Rejection whispers “You’re not important. Nobody even cares about you.” If the enemy can tempt us into thinking those thoughts, we will begin to build up a “stronghold” of belief, thinking that those reports are true when in reality that is the enemy’s deceptive trick to make us think they are true. In reality, every negative thought we have is a lie. God is a good God. He only wants our good. He has provided EVERYTHING we need for life and godliness. 2 Peter 1:3 “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.” It is all available through Jesus but we must stop meditating on the lies of the enemy and KNOW what His Word says about us! He planned for you before the foundation­s of the world! IMAGINE that! (Ephesians 1:4, Jeremiah 1:5). The circumstan­ces of your birth may be less than favorable. You may not have been planned for. Maybe you weren’t wanted. But JESUS laid His life down for you! He wants you! He has made a way for you to be in full fellowship with Him, 24/7. You can “commune” with him ... meaning to converse, or talk together, usually with profound intensity, intimacy; interchang­e thoughts or feelings (according to I know a lady who was widowed in her late fifties, early sixties who lived a life of “communion” with Jesus. She talked to Him as though He was her husband. I remember a time her furnace had quit (she lived on a farm) and had no knowledge or understand­ing of the mechanics of a furnace but she asked the Lord to show her what to do in order to get it going, so she obeyed the promptings of the Holy Spirit and got her furnace up and running in desperatel­y cold temperatur­es that one night. She had a relationsh­ip with Jesus that was real. Some of you may remember Betty Reimer at the Warrior games back in the late 80s and early 90s when her son, Rob Reimer played for the team. Jesus is as real as you’ll let Him be. He’ll even help you fix a furnace if you’ll ask! As you embark on this New Year, take mental stock of what your thoughts are telling you. Are they truth or lies that you’ve believed? The TRUTH is you are LOVED with an everlastin­g love. Jesus loved you SO MUCH that He died for you and took your punishment on the cross, then went to hell on our behalf and rose victorious over death, hell and the grave that we could receive abundant life. “The thief comes to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that (you) may have life and have it to the full!” John 10:10 You are not just another nameless, faceless number. You were planned with a purpose! You were bought with a price! Receive the abundant life that God has provided for you and start living it out! Square your shoulders back. Say “I am loved by Almighty God, maker of Heaven and Earth! He knows My name and knows everything about me. He’s got me covered! And will perfect EVERYTHING that concerns me! (Psalm 138:8)” Have a wonderful week, dear readers! I’m praying for you!

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