Moose Jaw

Dance-a-Thon embodies the spirit of kids helping kids

- Larissa Kurz

The studio at Dance Images by BJ was thriving with activity on Oct. 27, with dancers coming and going throughout the day to take part in the annual Kids Helping Kids Dance-a-Thon.

Each group of dancers brought with them donations collected throughout the month, to put towards the studio’s growing total donation towards Creative Kids. Students from ages 3 all way up to 18 took part in the Dance-a-Thon, which featured not only dancing but also games, snacks, and colouring.

The day is organized and facilitate­d by the older students at the studio, an experience grade-12 student Karina Daintree finds to be as fulfilling as the knowledge that her efforts are supporting a charitable cause. “We really are like a family here, so just anytime that I get to spend with them is great and getting to pass on that to the younger kids [is always nice];” said Daintree. “Its good leadership practice and skills that we get to learn, and being part of something that you’re so passionate about is always really nice.”

In supporting Creative Kids, Dance Images dancers are supporting programs that help kids across the province participat­e in the arts.

For Daintree, arts programs — like dance — are a valuable place to learn universal qualities like hard work, determinat­ion, and even time management.

“I can’t think of a better gift to give someone else than dance, because I know how important it’s been to me,” said Daintree. “How much I’ve been able to learn. . . things that have helped me in other aspects of my life, I just feel that you can learn that from any type of art, so just being able to pass that on to other people is really, really special.”

The fundraiser takes place each fall, and assistant director Shauna Bzdel is always pleased to see both her dancers and their community step up to help make it a success.

“Our community always rallies together. We have got amazing dance families here at the studio that use their resources within the community and so the support has been great,” said Bzdel.

By the end of the day, Dance Images had collected $8,482 to donate towards Creative Kids.

“The best part is that we get to spend the day here at the studio dancing, doing what we love to do, and at the end of the day, we get to really make a big impact into many lives of younger children,” said Bzdel. “Thank you to everybody for coming out and supporting us in such a great cause.”

 ??  ?? One of the morning groups of Dance Images students, showcasing a collection of the Dance-a-Thon’s community sponsors.
One of the morning groups of Dance Images students, showcasing a collection of the Dance-a-Thon’s community sponsors.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Peals of laughter filled the studio during all of the dance games this younger group played.
Peals of laughter filled the studio during all of the dance games this younger group played.
 ??  ?? The whole day was run by the older students at Dance Images.
The whole day was run by the older students at Dance Images.

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