Moose Jaw

Hunger in Moose Jaw looking for support with ongoing, upcoming projects

- Jason G. Antonio - Moose Jaw Express

Whether it’s collecting fabric or distributi­ng food, Hunger in Moose Jaw is always on the lookout for ways to help the community and meet the needs of residents.

7KH QRQ SUR¿W FKDULWDEOH RUJDQL]DWLRQ LV SXUVXLQJ several initiative­s during the next few months, all of which the community is encouraged to support.

Hunger in Moose Jaw’s annual Fall into Fabric Sale LV LQ 6HSWHPEHU VR WKH RUJDQL]DWLRQ LV DVNLQJ IRU GRQDtions of fabric pieces larger than 0.5 metres, along with yarn and sewing notions, said executive director Sharla Sept.

Residents can drop off the pieces at 269 Stadacona Street West on April 20 and 21 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. The fabric sale will be held at Zion United Church.



The charity plans to open the gates at both locations on Monday, April 25.

Meanwhile, the Good Food Box program is in full swing and runs until the end of June. This initiative provides quality fruits and vegetables twice a month, Sept said. This program is based on the belief that everyone has the right to safe and affordable food.

A large box of fresh fruits and veggies is $20, a small box is $15 and a bag is $10.

“We’ve had a need for it for many years. I think we’re going on 15 years now that we’ve had the program goLQJ ´ VKH FRQWLQXHG ³« LW¶V MXVW DQ RSSRUWXQLW\ IRU SHRSOH to buy (fruits and vegetables) at a lower cost.”

Hunger in Moose Jaw hands out more than 200 boxes of produce to families every two weeks— that number KDV UHDFKHG DW WLPHV ² DQG WKRVH ER[HV IHHG PDQ\ more people, Sept said. Many people have praised the program, which is now more important than ever with rising food prices.

Meanwhile, the child nutrition program has been runQLQJ IRU DOPRVW \HDUV DQG FRQWLQXHV WR VXSSRUW VFKRRO kids regularly. According to Sept, Hunger in Moose Jaw SURYLGHV PHDOV SHU GD\ WR DOO 0RRVH -DZ VFKRROV

“It is a lot of students (and) a lot of lunches,” she FKXFNOHG ³:H MXVW VHH D QHHG IRU LW LV WKH SRLQW 7KHUH is a need in Moose Jaw for that food security piece for FKLOGUHQ $QG ZH MXVW ZDQW WR VXSSRUW NLGV WKDW PD\ QRW be getting that extra nutrition at home — or can’t get it … . We’ve seen that need increase over the years.

³:H MXVW ZDQW WR VXSSRUW NLGV WR PDNH VXUH WKH\ FDQ learn the best,” Sept added. “And they learn best with a full stomach.”

Hunger in Moose Jaw also operates two other programs.

One initiative is a head-start community preschool program for three- and four-year-olds, which addresses their physical needs in a supportive environmen­t.

$ VHFRQG SURJUDP LV WKH FRPPXQLW\ NLWFKHQV DQG MXnior chefs initiative. The former allows small groups of adults to learn how to prepare nutritious and tasty meals for their families, while the latter is a similar program geared toward kids from nine to 12.

For more informatio­n, visit Hunger in Moose Jaw’s Facebook page.

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