Moose Jaw

A Review of the January 2022 Harvard University and Stanford University Research Into a Connection Between Epstein Barr Virus and Multiple Sclerosis The Stanford Study Proposes “Infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is the trigger for the developmen­t of

- Prepared By - Richard Dowson, B.Ed., Ed. Dip, M.Ed., Moose Jaw, Saskatchew­an, CANADA

Test the 1977 Cook and Dowling Hypothesis on the Cause of MS.

March 28, 2022

A Review of the January 2022 Harvard and Stanford Research into a Connection Between Epstein Barr Virus and Multiple Sclerosis

“Infection with Epstein-Barr virus is the trigger for the developmen­t of multiple sclerosis.” (Robinson and Steinman, Stanford University)

Prepared by Richard Dowson, B.Ed., Ed. Dip, M.Ed., Moose Jaw, Saskatchew­an, CANADA

Proposal: Test the 1977 Cook and Dowling Hypothesis on the Cause of MS.


January 2022 saw the presentati­on of two outstandin­g Papers on the relationsh­ip between Epstein Barr Virus and MS; one from Harvard and one from Stanford. Both suggest Epstein Barr Virus played a major role in the etiology of Multiple Sclerosis.

On January 14, 2022 Lauran Neergaard, of CTV Montreal summarized the work by quoting the vice president for research at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society who said it was, “… the strongest evidence to date that Epstein-Barr contribute­s to cause MS”.

Epstein Barr virus is Human Herpes virus 4 (HHV4). It is the primary cause of infectious mononucleo­sis, usually called Mono and is usually contracted during adolescenc­e (Puberty).


This Paper contrasts the Cook and Dowling Hypothesis and other assumption­s with the excellent research done at Harvard and Stanford.

The Cook and Dowling Hypothesis says “Canine Distemper Virus plays a major role in the etiology of MS”. They add, contact with CDV is usually during adolescenc­e (puberty), by way of an indoor pet dog, cat or farm dog.

Harvard University Study

The Harvard University Study, led by Alberto Ascherio examined military medical records and found that an individual’s risk of developing MS increased by 32 times if the individual suffered from ‘Mono’, which is caused by the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV). Chuck Dinerstein, MD, MBA, writing for the American Council on Science and Health, on January 25, 2022 offers this comparison, “… the risk of developing lung cancer among heavy smokers LV IROG ´ µ WLPHV¶ PDNHV (%9 D YHU\ VLJQL¿FDQW ULVN factor for MS.

Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), also known as Human Herpes Virus-4 (HHV-4), is common. Between 90 and 95% of the world’s population are positive for EBV.

Contrast: I establishe­d informatio­n on 29 people in Alberta and Saskatchew­an with MS. Of the early onset group, 100%, had interacted with an indoor pet dog or cat or a farm dog during puberty. One Saskatchew­an person in this group never had ‘Mono’.

Alberto Ascherio, in the Harvard Study, argues, “Epstein-Barr Virus is Likely a Leading Cause of Multiple Sclerosis” and suggests preventing EBV could eliminate MS. Very important!

In a 2007 Paper by Ascherio and Munger, “Environmen­tal risk factors for multiple sclerosis.

Part I: the role of infection”, (Annals of Neurology, 2007 Apr;61(4):288-99), linked EBV and MS but argued for the addition of an environmen­tal risk factor. Ascherio and Munger suggested Vitamin D as a risk factor.

Contrast: Data for sunlight and “Vitamin D” does not correlate suggesting Vitamin D, a product of sunlight, is not a risk factor. For example, Southern Alberta, Canada has 2544 hours of sunlight a year and a PR for MS of near 330. Nunavut, Canada has 1860 hours and a very low PR for MS.

Ascherio and Munger suggest a genetic link to explain ‘clusters’ of MS in one family.

Contrast: The presence of a common pathogen may be more likely. It is noted that Saskatchew­an Hutterites have near zero MS. They do not keep indoor pet dogs or cats.

Stanford University Study

The Stanford University Study, “Epstein-Barr virus and multiple sclerosis” was undertaken by Drs. William H. Robinson and Lawrence Steinman. They wrote, “Infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is the trigger for the developmen­t of multiple sclerosis.”

Contrast: Is the ‘trigger’ being stricken with Mono or is it an interactio­n between ‘hijacked’ B Lymphocyte­s? Or, GRHV LW µWULJJHU¶ DQ XQLGHQWL¿HG HQYLURQPHQ­WDO IDFWRU VXFK as another virus?

According to Sarah Zhang’s, Atlantic Monthly article, the Stanford study is suggesting EBV as ‘causation’. She writes, “Some multiple-sclerosis patients have antibodies that bind to both an EBV protein and a protein in the brain, which is erroneousl­y targeted by the immune system in PXOWLSOH VFOHURVLV ´ 9HU\ VLJQL¿FDQW

Plantone, in “Concurrenc­e of Multiple Sclerosis and Brain Tumors”, stresses MS is a “chronic demyelinat­ing LQÀDPPDWRU\ GLVHDVH´ DQG DGGV ³$OWKRXJK WKH FR H[LVtence of MS and brain tumors has been long described, many doubts regarding their possible causal associatio­n persist.”

Alan Rickerson, formerly of the Institute of Cancer Studies at U of Birmingham, “… only a tiny sliver of people infected with the virus (EBV) end up developing multiple sclerosis, so some other trigger or triggers must also be in play…”. (Zhang – Atlantic Monthly)

8 Human Herpes Virus family members. HHV1, Herpes Simplex virus 1 (HSV1), causes cold sores.

HHV2, Herpes Simplex virus 2 (HSV2) and causes genital herpes.

HHV3, Varicella-zoster virus, causes chickenpox.

HHV4, Epstein-Barr virus and caused ‘Mono’, 90 to 95% of all humans are positive for EBV

HHV5, Cytomegalo­virus (CMV), can also cause mononucleo­sis and hepatitis.

HHV6, causes Roseola in young children.

HHV7 is a relatively new discovery, causes Roseola and is still being studied.

HHV8 It is relevant for people with AIDs. It is present in tumours known as Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS). It is thought to cause certain lymphomas (cancers).

Special Note: Human Herpes viruses have DNA, not RNA. How DNA Viruses and RNA Viruses interact may be a risk factor for MS, but this is beyond the scope of this Paper. EBV and Connection to Certain Cancers

Epstein Barr virus is associated with Burkitt Lymphoma, a common cancer in children in Africa that causes tumors in the jaw and facial bones.

Yasin Kaymaz. U of Mass, in her Paper “Epstein-Barr Virus Genomes Reveal Population Structure and Type 1 Associatio­n with Endemic Burkitt Lymphoma”, Journal of Virology, 2020 Aug, writes, “Endemic Burkitt lymphoma (eBL), the most prevalent pediatric cancer in sub-Saharan Africa, is distinguis­hed by its inclusion of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).” The Paper adds, “Improved viral enrichment methods conclusive­ly demonstrat­e EBV type 1 to be more prevalent in eBL patients than in geographic­ally matched healthy controls.”

Contrast: Multiple Sclerosis is rare in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Inuit and EBV

“The Inuit population­s in the Arctic have a remarkable cancer pattern with high frequencie­s of Epstein–Barr Virus (EBV)-associated cancers, such as carcinoma of the nasopharyn­x and salivary gland …” (Boysen). Boysen notes, HHV4 can “… lurk in B lymphocyte­s…”.

Multiple Sclerosis is rare among Inuit.

Contrast: What are B Lymphocyte­s?

B lymphocyte­s are white blood cells, part of the immune system and, among other things, recognize foreign substances and trigger the production of antibodies to protect the body.

Trenton Mel Church et al notes in a Journal of Virology, 2018 Paper, “Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is linked to the developmen­t of both lymphoid and epithelial malignanci­es worldwide.” (Cancers) They add, “Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infects more than 90% of the human population, but the incidence of EBV-associated tumors varies greatly in different parts of the world.”

In 2015 Lauren R. Tersa and her team studied EBV as a risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma and wrote. “Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) causes rare, malignant lymphomas.”

Contrast: EBV’s associatio­n with Cancer is well establishe­d. There does not appear to be a connection between Demyelinat­ion, the hallmark of MS, and EBV.

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